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Solve Ratio Problems Using Ratio Tables (Word Problems) Quiz

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#1 of 7: Medium

Solve ratio problems using ratio tables (word problems)

<p>Becky has started a new job. Her plan is to save `$12` for every `$30` she spends. Last weekend she spent `$75` on craft supplies. </p><p>How much money will she be putting into her savings account?</p>

#2 of 7: Medium

Solve ratio problems using ratio tables (word problems)

<p>At a sporting goods store last weekend, `24` skateboards and `40` bikes were sold. This weekend, `50` bikes were sold. </p><p>If the ratio of bikes and skateboards sold was the same this weekend, how many skateboards were sold?</p>

#3 of 7: Medium

Solve ratio problems using ratio tables (word problems)

<p>In the election for class president, in Ms. Lyon's class there were `9` votes for Amanda and `12` votes for Leo. In the overall election, Leo received `64` votes. </p><p>If the ratio of the votes in the overall election was the same as the ratio of the votes in Ms. Lyon's class, how many students voted for Amanda in the overall election?</p>

#4 of 7: Medium

Solve ratio problems using ratio tables (word problems)

<p>Bradley has a plan for saving the coins he receives as change from the store. He puts `18` dimes into his collection jar for every `16` quarters he saves. </p><p>If today he has `24` quarters to put into his jar, how many dimes will he add, if the ratio stays consistent?</p>

#5 of 7: Spicy

Solve ratio problems using ratio tables (word problems)

<p>Last year, Farmer Brown planted `42` acres of wheat and `33` acres of corn on his farm. This year, he wants to plant wheat and corn in the same ratio as he did last year. </p><p>If he plants `35` acres of wheat this year, how many acres of corn will he be planting?</p>

#6 of 7: Spicy

Solve ratio problems using ratio tables (word problems)

<p>The McCallister family has an RV and a Ford truck. With `1` gallon of gas, the RV can travel `10` miles while the truck can travel `24` miles. </p><p>If the truck travels `30` miles with a certain amount of gas, how many miles can the RV travel?</p>

#7 of 7: Spicy

Solve ratio problems using ratio tables (word problems)

<p>Yesterday a chef at a restaurant made a large batch of pasta salad, using `9` cups of vegetables and `28` cups of pasta. Today he needs to make a larger batch of pasta salad with `42` cups of pasta. </p><p>How many cups of vegetables will he need? <br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your answer as an exact decimal or simplified mixed number. </highlight></p>

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Ratio table is simply a table that defines a relationship between two or more  separate quantities. Generally to solve a ratio word problem, first of all we need to find out the known and unknown ratios and set up the proportion accordingly. Then we cross multiply both and solve them. Here in this ratio tables quiz students will learn to solve ratio problems using ratio tables easily. You can share the following 6th grade ratio table quiz with the students for practicing the prob...

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Grade 6
Ratios And Rates

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Stephen Abate
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Carmel, CA
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