Simplify Whole Number Ratios (Word Problems) Quiz

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#1 of 7: Mild

Simplify whole number ratios (word problems)

<p>On Saturday, Jessica read `15` pages of a novel. On Sunday, she read another `20`. </p><p>What is the ratio of pages that Jessica read on Saturday to pages she read on Sunday? <br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your ratio in simplest form.</highlight> </p>

#2 of 7: Mild

Simplify whole number ratios (word problems)

<p>In his sock drawer, Jacob has `12` pairs of white socks and `15` pairs of navy socks.</p><p>What is the ratio of white to navy socks in Jacob's sock drawer?<br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your ratio in simplest form.</highlight> </p>

#3 of 7: Medium

Simplify whole number ratios (word problems)

<p>Geoff is playing golf with some of his friends. He began the day with 72 golf balls but lost 16 by the end of the day. </p><p>What is the ratio of the number of balls Geoff lost to the number he started with?<br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your ratio in simplest form.</highlight></p>

#4 of 7: Medium

Simplify whole number ratios (word problems)

<p>Today Kaylee sent `63` text messages and received `49` messages. </p><p>What is the ratio of messages that Kaylee sent to the number of messages she received? <br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your ratio in simplest form.</highlight> </p>

#5 of 7: Medium

Simplify whole number ratios (word problems)

<p>A rectangular vegetable garden has a length of `64` feet and a width of `48` feet. </p><p>What is the ratio of the length to the width? <br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your ratio in simplest form.</highlight> </p>

#6 of 7: Spicy

Simplify whole number ratios (word problems)

<p>On the first day of ticket sales, a community theater sold `168` adult tickets and `14` student tickets for an upcoming performance. </p><p>What is the ratio of student tickets to the total number of tickets that were sold? <br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your ratio in simplest form.</highlight></p>

#7 of 7: Spicy

Simplify whole number ratios (word problems)

<p>Rosie is training to compete in a Triathlon. In the last `2` weeks, she has practiced by running, biking, and swimming the number of miles shown in the table below:</p><TableUIv2 data-props='{ "headers": [ { "value": "Subject" }, { "value": "Number of Miles" } ], "borders": {}, "rows": [ [ { "value": "Swimming" }, { "value": "26" } ], [ { "value": "Running" }, { "value": "39" } ], [ { "value": "Biking" }, { "value": "65" } ] ]}'></TableUIv2 ><p>What is the ratio of the number of miles that Rosie swam to the number of miles that she biked?<br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your ratio in simplest form.</highlight> </p>

The simplest ratio is the one in which both the digits are a whole number. These cannot be further divided by any other whole number. Simple whole number ratios have both numerator and denominator that are coprime numbers regardless of their size. For example, in the ratio - 33:21, the highest common factor between them is 3, hence on simplifying we get 11/7 as a simplest ratio, where both the numbers are whole numbers.

 Simplifying whole number ratios quiz improves the practicing of simplification of numbers. Te...

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Grade 6
Ratios And Rates

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