15 Back To School Math Activities For 6th Grade

6th grade back to school math activities

6th grade students cannot easily sit in a classroom environment when they come back to school after breaks. Consequently, they might have difficulty focusing on the teacher’s lesson.

So, teachers must incorporate some engaging 6th grade back to school math activities and fun elements into their teaching pattern to encourage students to participate actively in math learning and make them understand the tricky math concepts through fun and games in a cheerful way without burdening the students. 

6th Grade Back To School Math Activities For Kids:

1. Multiplication Game: Product Hunt

Students can understand the written methodology of multiplication using this game more enjoyable and engagingly than just performing calculations on a worksheet.

This game requires ten cards numbered from 0 to 9. Students must then pick up five cards.

Players have two minutes to create as many long multiplication questions and compute the answers as they can after selecting their five cards.

For example, a student picks 8, 4, 3, 7, and 1, so they can write the calculation like 847 multiplied by 31.

2. Find The Prime Numbers.

Students need to take a sheet of paper and make a number chart from 1 to 100. They require a few crayons too.

As prime numbers are the numbers that are divisible by one or the number itself, teachers can ask students to color these prime numbers accordingly.

For example, as 1 is not a prime number, students can color it with a blue crayon, and as 2 is a prime number, students can color it with a green crayon.

To make them understand the divisibility, teachers can also color the factors of 2 red, denoting that these numbers are factorized by the number 2.

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It is among the best 6th grade back to school math activities to engage students in math.  

3. Class Quiz

Teachers can create a math quiz in the class by dividing the class into three groups. Few course-related questions can be asked, and the student has to reply within 3 minutes.

Every correct answer will reward the team with 4 points, and every wrong answer will get a -1. It will help them to build their brains accordingly and motivate them to answer correctly.

For example, the quiz can consist of questions such as “Give us the divisibility rule of 7, or are all the whole numbers prime numbers”?

4. Math Fact Race

For this activity, teachers can set up two teams with participants queued up in each group.

Provide two identical multiplication or addition fact grids at the front of the class. Each team’s first member must enter one of the numbers on their grid. For example, where 6 and 6 intersect, it’s 36 if multiplied.

They subsequently proceed to the front of the line and hand the marker to the person ahead.

The team who finishes the grid first will be declared the winner. It is one of the most effective 6th grade back to school math activities that encourage calculation practice and brainstorming among students.

In addition, teachers can reward the winning team with non-monetary gifts like cupcakes or chocolates.

5. Jeopardy

Teachers need to develop a unique jeopardy board with scores and categories to engage students in this activity.

Graphical analysis, geometrical analysis, volume, perimeter, adding, deduction, algebra, and subdivision are a few examples of topics that could be used on this board.

Create two teams from the class. Next, distribute a few questions with three different sample points to each group.

Permit each team to choose the card they desire. If they get the answer wrong, the other side gets a chance to answer the passed question. Whichever team scores the most points will win.


6. Geometry Quiz

Teachers can divide the classroom into three teams and draw a particular geometrical shape on the blackboard.

Then, they will ask a question related to that geometrical figure, and every team will get a chance to say the answer.

Teachers can also ask questions to every student on the team. So the whole class gets involved in this and brings out the desired results.

For example, the teacher can ask about the shapes and figures’ perimeters, areas, and volumes in this quiz. They can also call a student to solve the word problem related to that geometrical figure. It can be most simple yet promising 6th grade back to school math activities for teaching geometry. 


7. Spill The Number

It will be a game where teachers will put up a set of numbers on the blackboard, and the students in the classroom have to fill in the few numbers by understanding the pattern or the series of numbers.

To play this activity in the classroom, teachers will need to divide the class into three groups, and every team will be given a chance to showcase their ability to determine the missing numbers.

The numbers can be kept in the form of a set of divisibility rules or the condition of multiples of the numbers or prime factors.

Students have to identify them and complete the pattern in one minute. It will encourage the excellent working of the students’ brains. 

8. Abacus

Addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication can all be performed using an abacus. Alternatively, it can be used to discover a number’s square and cubic roots.

It makes calculations simpler and enhance students’ confidence in solving math problems. It stimulates and knocks into the kids’ inherent potential.

It aids in children’s growth of fundamental and crucial abilities such as listening, quickness, focus, accuracy, imagination, creativity, originality, photographic ability, etc.

Additionally, it benefits students with dyslexia. Abacus enhances children’s numerical skills, where they learn through touch.

9. Find The Missing Arithmetic Operation.

In this game, the teachers will have to write down the various numbers on the blackboard and leave space for the sign to be put up between the numbers, and answers will also be aside from the question.

Again, it will increase the mental ability of the students to work on the equations.

The teacher can call every student on the board to solve the equations. Arithmetic Operation initiates the brain working and enhances the capacity of the brain to evaluate and play with numbers.

For example, the teacher will write the equation in this way 63 ___ 9 = 7, and students have to fill in the blanks with an appropriate Arithmetic sign.

10. Play With Power And Exponents

The teacher can divide the classroom into three teams and ask questions about laws, powers, and Exponents.

Students must elaborate on the concept; if they color the law correctly. They will be rewarded with a point, and the team which answers the maximum questions correctly will win the quiz.

Teachers can also ask students to simplify the questions using the laws of exponents.

For example, teachers can ask to simplify the 242³ × 34³ equation with the help of

law of exponents and power.

11. Mean Mode Median With Leaves

For this activity, teachers can ask students to collect numerous leaves from the same tree, and each should be evaluated for length and width. The range can then be noted, and the mean, mode, and median can be used to derive the average dimensions.

12. Sudoku

Teachers can allow students in their classes to solve sudoku. Sudoku tends to help us to collaborate out our psychological “muscles.”

Studies show that puzzle games like sudoku can help people become more intelligent. Playing sudoku can also help students enhance their attention span and focus while entertaining and relaxing.

13. Stand Up Or Sit Down

Performing this hopping game will keep learners’ minds active. Students must stand up when the proper answer to a problem is read aloud.

If the response is inaccurate, they must remain seated. Then, put the teacher up against the class to add interest.

Teachers will award them a point when the entire class does it right. There are also appropriate choices like Stand up when the number is even or Stand up when a number is a prime number.

14. Marshmallow And Stick Game

In this game, the teacher can ask students to bring marshmallows and stick with them and ask them to make 3D shapes.

It will help them to know the conditions better because figures made of marshmallows will leave a good impression on the mind of students. Teachers can also ask students to write relevant formulas related to those shapes, and the student who writes the maximum number of conditions and procedures will be the winner.

15. Math Jenga

For this activity, teachers can use colored Lego building blocks to create the lego mathematical building.

A game board should be given to every player to solve the problems. The accurate answer will be provided on the blocks, and if the answers come right, the person can remove the league, but if the answer is not correct, no union will be released. This game continues till the tower falls.

You may also like to read- 45 Funniest Indoor Math Games for Kids to Play Safely at Home

Final Thought-

Grabbing the students’ attention towards studies after breaks is essential, so incorporating fun into your learning pattern brings out the best results from the learners. The preferred technique for accomplishing this is to use math games. These 6th grade back to school math activities provide opportunities for learners to explore without the requirement for user interference. 

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