50 Fun Math Brain Teasers for Kids With Answers

Brain Teasers for Kids with answers

Brain teasers help children develop an interest in mathematics. They find it very interesting to share brain teasers with their friends and teachers. Brain teasers for kids are an accurate way to enrich a child’s knowledge and promote their critical thinking skills. These brain puzzles work as exercises to strengthen mental and emotional abilities. 

Solving math brain puzzles is a therapeutic activity that makes kids feel good about learning new things and at the same time, they enjoy the activity. Brain teaser puzzles are known to be the funniest and trickiest way to approach mathematics.

Many activities based on math brain teasers puzzles can be conducted among students to generate competition. For your convenience, we have compiled a list of 50 fun brain teasers for middle school as well as for kids with answers. Let us check it out!

List of 50 Fun Brain Teasers for Kids Along With Answer:

Brain Teasers for Kids

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1. Among one pound cotton and one pound iron, what would weigh more?

Answer: Both would weigh the same as both have the same weight.

2. I have two hands and a face, but no legs and arms. What am I? 

Answer: A clock.

3. If 7 is transformed into 13 and 11 is changed to 21 then what does16 become?

Answer: 31. (Multiplying the number by 2 and subtracting one from it)

4. How many apples can we put in an empty basket of 2.5m * 2.5m size?

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Answer: Only one, as after that, the basket will no longer remain empty. 

5. How can you write 23 using only the number 2, 34 using only the number 3, 56 using only the number 5, and 100 using only the number 9?

Answer: We can write them by using fractions. (33 +3/3= 34, 99 + 9/9= 100, 55 + 5/5= 56, 22 + 2/2= 23.)

6. It is a board that consists of 204 squares. What board are we talking about?

Answer: Chessboard.

7. Two mothers, two daughters, and a grandmother visited a baseball game together and purchased tickets. Count the number of tickets they purchase in total. 

Answer: 3 tickets. 

8. X is known to be an even number. If we remove an alphabet from X, it will become even. Can you guess that number?

Answer: Seven (s-even).

9. The age of Miguel is 6 years and his younger sister Leila is half his age. If the age of Miguel is 40, then what will be the age of Leila?

Answer: 37 years old. 

10. We have 3 positive numbers. We can take these 3 numbers and multiply them together. The answer we will get by multiplying these numbers is equal to the sum of these numbers. What are the three positive numbers that we are talking about?

Answer: The numbers are 1, 2, and 3.

11. What can we place between 15 and 16 to get a result which will be greater than 15 but less than 16?

Answer: A decimal: 15.8 is greater than 15 but lesser than 16.

12. I am a multiple of 5. I am not higher than 100 but I am higher than 90. If you deduct 100 from me, you get nothing. Which number am I?

Answer: 100.

13. Tom was given the work to paint the number of plates present on 100 apartments which means he has to paint numbers 1 through 100. Can you guess the number of times Tom has to paint the number 8?

Answer: 20 times. (98, 89, 88[2], 87, 86, 85, 84, 83, 82, 81, 80, 78, 68, 58, 48, 38, 28, 18, and 8).

14. If a triangle and a circle have a conversation, what will the triangle say to the circle?

Answer: Circle, you are pointless.

15. If ten is a crowd and two’s company, guess, what are ten and five?

Answer: 15. Simply add the two given numbers. 

16. Steve has two kids. If the younger kid is a girl, then what is the probability that his other kid is also a girl?

Answer: 50%.

17. I am a three-digit number. My first number is 3 less than the second number and my second number is 4 times larger than the third number. Which number am I? 

Answer: 141

18. If 5 + 5 = 2510, 4 + 4 = 168, then what is the value of 3 + 3?

Answer: 3 + 3 = (3 * 3) + (3 + 3) = 99

19. By using addition, how can we add eight 8’s to get the number 1,000?

Answer: 1,000= 888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8.

20. In a zoo, we have 100 pairs of dogs. Every dog has two pairs of babies. Unfortunately, 23 of the dogs died. How many dogs would be left in the zoo alive?

Answer: 977 dogs (100 x 2 = 200; 200 + 800 = 1000; 1000 – 23 = 977).

21. How can we take 2 from 5 and leave 4 at the end?

Answer: F (I V) E. By Removing the 2 letters F and E from five and we have IV.

22. Eggs cost $0.12 a dozen. With one dollar how many eggs can we buy?

Answer: 100 eggs. 

23. An odd little town had an odd little stream and odd little fish in an odd little team. A beggar got to a fisherman and asked him about the weight of the odd little fish. The fisherman replied: Every fish in this stream weighs exactly ½ of a pound plus ½ of a fish. Can you guess how many pounds a single odd little fish would weigh?

Answer: One

24. How many sides does a circle have?

Answer: Two. 

25. The age of a man is twice that of his younger sister. That man is also half as old as his dad. Nearly after 50 years, the age of his younger sister will be half of their dad’s age. Do you know the age of the man now?

Answer: The man is 50 years old.

26. Daisy is a little soccer fan. How can she know before the game that the score would be 0-0?

Answer: Before the game, the score will always be 0-0.

27. Plants hate the subject of math. Why?

Answer: Plants hate math because this subject gives them square roots.

28. If we multiply this particular number by any other number, the answer will always be the same. Can you guess that number?

Answer: It will be zero.

29. Do you know what one math book says to the other math book?

Answer: Do you want to hear my problems?

30. There is a clothing store in Palestine. The owner has used his method of pricing the products in the shop. A shirt costs $25, a coat costs $20, a tie costs $15 and shorts cost $30. By using the same method, how much would a pair of underpants cost?

Answer: $50. The method of pricing consists of charging $5 for each letter required to spell the item. 

31. If seven friends meet at a party and each other shakes hands only once with each of the others, count the total number of handshakes. 

Answer: Twenty-one handshakes.

32. Which English alphabet represents the number 500 in roman numerals?

Answer: D.

33. What can we place between 5 and 6 to make the outcome larger than 5 but less than 6?

Answer: A decimal. 

34. Two hens lay 3 eggs in 3 minutes. Assume this to be the maximum possible speed. Now estimate the numbers of ducks we will need to get 300 eggs in 300 minutes. 

Answer: 2 ducks.

35. Mrs. Pearson has 6 daughters, and each of them has a brother. How many kids does Mrs. Pearson have?

Answer: 7, because every daughter has just one brother. 

36. How can we find a way in which we get 23 with the help of number 2? 

Answer: By using fractions, we get, 22+2/2=23.

37. If a girl is 9 years old and his mother is 47, how old will her mother be when she is 21?

Answer: 59.

38. Lily bought a rooster for laying eggs, and if Lily expects to get four eggs per day for her breakfast, how many eggs will Lily have after four weeks? 

Answer: None because roosters cannot lay eggs.

39. This one-digit number is less than 9 and more than 3. It is the number of sides of a hexagon. Which number are we talking about?

Answer: 6

40. Choose the correct statement: “Eight and six are fifteen” or “Eight and six are fifteen”?

Answer: None of the above statements are correct. Eight and six are fourteen.

41. Can you find out what is common between these numbers 11, 69, and 88? 

Answer: When we read these numbers upside down, we get the same number to read. 

42. When Potter was 8, his sister was half her age. Now, Potter is 14. How old is his sister? 

Answer: 10, half of 8 is 4, so Potter’s sister is 4 years younger.

43. Two mothers and two sons spent the day baking, but only baked 3 cupcakes. How is it possible? 

Answer: There were only 3 people involved in baking. There was one mother, her son, and her son’s son.

44. It is a branch of mathematics. This word ends with a Y and starts with G. It is a mathematical terminology that is related to different shapes and sizes. What is it? 

Answer: Geometry.

45. Victoria was on the way to the library. She met a man with 4 sisters holding 4 trolleys. There were 4 dogs in each trolley and every dog in that trolley had 4 puppies. So in total, how many were going to the library? 

Answer: Only Victoria was going to the museum.

46. Theon has two books, one book is faced upside-down, and the other book is placed in a way that the top of the book is facing Theon. What is the total sum of the first pages of both books?

Answer: 1+1=2.In every book, the first page is marked as one, doesn’t matter how they are placed.

47. It is known to be the total of all sides of a quadrilateral; and while fencing a plot, it is also calculated. What are we talking about?

Answer: Perimeter.

48. This well-shaped word ends with E and starts with a C; it is the perimeter of a circle. What is it? 

Answer: Circumference.

49. This shape looks like a door and also like a chocolate bar, it comprises 4 sides with 2 sets of equal opposites. Guess the name of the shape. 

Answer: Rectangle.

50. A farmer has 24 hens. All but 14 of them died due to the flu. How many hens does he have now?

Answer: 14.

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Benefits of Solving Math Brain Teasers

  • Math brain teasers promote troubleshooting skills: By solving math brain teasers regularly, students enhance their problem-solving skills and contribute to the growth of their learning abilities.
  • Brain teaser puzzles increase memory power: Brain teasers and brain puzzles are effective in increasing the memory power of students. Retention skills are also developed during these interesting activities. 
  • Math brain teasers improve spatial reasoning: Many children find it difficult to remember some geographical directions. They can practice math brain puzzles. Several math brain teasers help in stimulating brain cells. Brain teasers play an important role in the comprehensive development of math skills. 
  • Math brain teasers build creativity: Math puzzles and brain teasers promote lateral thinking which further helps in building creativity in children. 
  • Brain teaser puzzles Increase Focus: The little kids are known to have short attention spans and face difficulty in focusing. Solving math brain teasers release dopamine which makes children feel energetic. 

Brain puzzles for kids are very important for preschool to middle school kids as it helps in the growth of cognitive thinking. There are various types of brain teasers meant for different age groups. Every teacher must conduct brain teaser sessions once a month as it creates excitement among children and at the same time imbibes self-confidence.

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