20 Back To School Math Activities To Get To Know Your Math Students

back to school math activities

Most back-to-school icebreaker activities focus on kids’ interests and pastimes, families, cultures, and the books they read during the  breaks. When break is over and students return to the classroom, these back to school math activities are a great way to get to know your new group of students.

Revamping the usual pre-testing and ice-breakers into fun-filled activities is  a great way to find the hidden mathematicians among your students. In addition, participating in fun math activities helps motivate students to explore previously learned math concepts that may have slipped their minds over break.  

Below are 20 new and exciting ways to get to know your new math students this school year!

1. Baseball Math:

Conduct a math baseball game with the class where you divide students into two teams. It is one of the best getting to know you math activities that allows you absolute control over the questions the students must answer. 

In the first at-bat, one team would choose questions worth one, two, or three bases to rack up runs. The questions, which range in difficulty according to how many bases they are worth, will be “pitched” to players. The defending team can answer correctly to obtain an out if the at-bat team makes an error. Change sides after three outs. Repeat until a team has scored ten runs.

2. Play Math Tic-Tac-Toe:

This engaging math activity feature adjusts the traditional Tic-Tac-Toe game for various abilities and grade levels. This activity, which is best for elementary and middle school students, can be a quick mental break or a full class competition with a prize at stake.

You should have a variety of questions covering the previous years content available to ask each team when their turn begins. If the team gets the question correct they can place their token in the chosen location to try and win the game. 

Players alternate placing tokens on a single tile to establish a row in which the number of the tickets totals up to 15. Even if a row has two different colors, participants win if they complete it first.

3. Roll Into A Subtraction Dice Game:

Students’ mental math skills will strengthen as they play. No back to school math activities can make learning subtraction fun like rolling into a subtraction game. 

The game begins by simultaneously rolling five dice. The two die with the highest amount are placed aside after the initial roll, and the total is calculated. After this, students move the remaining three dice on the second throw and subtract the die’s value with the lowest rating from the initial sum. 

At the end of 5 turns the player with the highest total wins the game. It is each player’s responsibility to keep track of their own points and at the same time insure that their competitor is being accurate with their own calculations. 

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All the students present in the classroom can play this game.


4. Slice A Few Fractions Of A Sandwich:

Kids will be more motivated to grasp proportions and decimals if they do this at lunch—fractions to decimals conversion or the other way approximately. Your student will efficiently translate the numbers with such tutorial activities.

Build a Sandwich is a fun exercise for developing your kids’ fraction skills. Give each player two bread cards to begin. Then, let them choose eight additional component cards at random. Next, ask your students to identify the sandwich’s parts in fractions. Reward them for every correct answer, but it must be non-monetary.

5. Play Math Jeopardy

These premade Jeopardy games are the best getting to know you math activities. They will make studying more enjoyable and create a review of something to look forward to, whether the topic is algebra, exponents, or averages. In addition, children can compete digitally with friends or with younger siblings.

It is a math study game modeled after the Jeopardy game show. Teams of 3 to 4 students are formed from students in the classroom. Students will work together to provide explanations for various mathematical concepts; only in the group they have been allocated.

 6. Explore Math With Minecraft:

In Minecraft, players may build simple structures like houses and more advanced ones like programmable machines using 3D blocks. In addition, it can be used in the school to teach students mathematical concepts, such as times tables and classic physics.

As a fantastic math educator’s guide, Minecraft is guaranteed to captivate young gamers who need a little extra encouragement to improve their arithmetic abilities. Learn more about the great educational uses of Minecraft.

7. Face The Equations For Fantasy Football:

Many middle school students find it challenging to solve algebraic equations. Nevertheless, this sporty twist makes the practice more bearable and allows kids to see the (often elusive) real-world application of their learning. It is among the most loved getting to know you activities middle school math teachers can conduct for students. 

A simple formula to rapidly calculate a player’s worth is to split their projected points per game by their player’s price, which has already been multiplied by $1000.

8. Bouncing Sums:

Teachers need to write fractions, decimals, or integers on a beach ball using labels and markers to prepare. One student will read aloud the numbers that are also touching one of their thumbs after receiving the ball. A classmate of that student then gets the ball, and so forth. Each student must read the numbers of their label and add it to or multiply by the total or product that has been stated by the student preceding them.

9. Race Facts In Math:

Continually incorporate math with movement in this quick fact fluency drill. At the back of the class, divide the students into teams, then place a grid sheet in front of every group. One student out of each team will sprint to the sheet and fill out the corresponding grid with their response. For example, a pupil must put 12 on the grid’s junction of row three and fourth columns to learn multiplication.

After responding, the student returns to their team, giving another team member time to get the response sheet. Then, each group member may complete an additional grid or, if needed, modify an earlier response. This cycle will repeat itself until a team completes its scorecard to declare victory. 

It is among the top played back to school math activities used to make mathematics fun for students. 

10. Math Facts Bingo:

First, make bingo cards with answers to different multiplication tables on board. Make sure students have a separate sheet for computations before giving them out. Finally, express equations like “8 7” rather than shouting numbers. If the product is 56, they can mark off the quantity after realizing this is on their cards.

11. 101 And Out:

A fun way to finish math class is to play a few rounds of 101 and out. The goal is to approach 101 points as accurately as possible without going over, as the title says. Divide your class in two, and then give every group a die, a paper, and a pen. Each team turns to roll the dice and decides whether to multiply the result by ten or add it up. For instance, learners who moved a six could keep that number or alter it to 60. The intensity of the competition in this game raises the degree of interest in the math class. This game is among the best after class math getting to know your activities that students can enjoy. 

12. Back-To-Back:

Just be sure to put students in groups based on their skill level. For example, back-to-Back involves two students facing away from one another, each holding a piece of chalk and standing next to the blackboard. When a student and teacher call out “numbers up,” every contestant is compelled to put a figure on the board that falls within a predetermined range. The student and teacher then state the two numbers’ sum and product. A competitor wins by announcing another’s number first using this data.

13. One-Meter Dash:

Play this short game to improve measuring perception and comprehension. Students should be divided into small teams and provided measuring tapes. Then they search the space for two to four items that, if added together, measure one meter in length. Next, the groups measured the objects and noted how accurate their estimates were after a short while. Need a bigger challenge? Instead of using a kilometer, please give them a centimeter and instruct them to translate the results to nanometres, millimeters, and other measurements.

It is one of the best back to school math activities for students. 

14. Math Goodies:

The free website’s words, articles, and puzzles appeal to various learners. For instance, students can read a walkthrough about how to order decimals by going through the site’s material. Then, they can put their abilities to the test by performing activities and challenges.

15. Initials:

Play Initials to give content reviews a game twist. Give each student a special sheet including exercises linked to a common skill or subject. Students go around the room to respond to questions on their peers’ papers rather than concentrating on their own. But there is a problem. A student on each sheet can answer one question and must sign their name next to the response.

It is among the best getting to know you math activities that will help students to develop trust and teamwork by collaborating to accomplish a unique yet common goal.

16. 100s:

Before your lecture, gather the class in a circle and have everyone play 100s as a fast warm-up.

As they alternately add aloud in a clockwise direction, you’ll give kids a series of numbers to choose from, such as multiple copies of five to a maximum of twenty. The student who answers or scores 100 gets dismissed. Then, you will restart until you have just one participant left.

Given the game’s simplicity, you can adjust how it is played to match your pupils’ abilities. So, for example, they might have to add fives instead of fours.

17. Multiplication Hopscotch:

Roll a die and begin at the top of the hopscotch board. Jump on 1, multiply it by the number produced by the dice, and afterward, say the result aloud. Next, jump on the two, throw the die, and double once more. Repeat from top to bottom of the board. It can easily become one of the most loved back to school math activities among students.

18. Identify the number: 

An enjoyable math warm-up can be played as a class or even in groups of three people. Students write numbers from 2 and 9 while standing up, blind to the other player’s numbers. The person who can guess how much each player has before the third player yells out the total of the numbers is indeed the winner. Using larger or smaller numbers or having a third player determine the sum rather than the accommodation can be differentiated.


19. A Good Card Game To Try Is Exponent:

This game, as the website brilliantly puts it, “raises math fun to a greater power.” Playing against friends will be fun for kids, giving them an extra incentive to learn the exponents they need in math and science classes. This game can also be played in the classroom as it is an interesting trick to teach the student about the math subject.

20. Picture Illustrating What Graphed Scavenger Hunt: 

Students tackle arithmetic tasks written on station boards while participating in a Scavenger Hunt in pairs. They begin at any location and down to the bottom-posted difficulty. When they have discovered the solution, they find additional station cards put all around the room with that same solution just at the top.

You may also like to read- 130 Unique And Fun Icebreaker Questions For Kids And Students


These back to school math activities above are excellent at immersing kids in math concepts and critical reasoning from the first lesson. Not only will your students love math from the start of the year, but you will also learn a lot about how they think about math, deal with challenging problems, and collaborate and discuss basic math with their peers.

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