Write Simple Inequality (Word Problems) Quiz

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#1 of 7: Mild

Write simple inequality (word problems)

<p>Neil is growing sugar crystals for his science fair experiment. He wants to find out if the amount of sugar affects the size of the crystal. Neil adds `18` tablespoons of sugar to his first bowl of water. He plans to add less sugar to the second bowl. </p><p>Write an inequality that represents the amount of sugar, in tablespoons, `s`, that Neil might add to the second bowl of water.</p>

#2 of 7: Mild

Write simple inequality (word problems)

<p>Pete's scout troop is packing snack bags to give to volunteers at next week's charity event. The scouts need to pack more than `45` bags. </p><p>Write an inequality that represents the total number of snack bags that Pete's scout troop needs to pack, `s`. </p>

#3 of 7: Mild

Write simple inequality (word problems)

<p>Evie and Max are at the climbing gym. They are both climbing the tallest wall. Evie reaches the top, which is `25` feet high. Max is below Evie on the wall.</p><p>Write an inequality to represent the possibilities for Max's height, in feet, on the wall, `h`.</p>

#4 of 7: Medium

Write simple inequality (word problems)

<p>Gregor is buying stone pavers to build a walkway through a garden. He plans to load the pavers in his trailer, which has a maximum capacity of `1000` pounds.</p><p>Write an inequality to represent the amount of weight, in pounds, that Gregor can load in his trailer, `p`.</p>

#5 of 7: Medium

Write simple inequality (word problems)

<p>Chelsea completes her homework and practices her instrument every day after school. Once her homework and practice are complete, Chelsea can have no more than `45` minutes of screen time.</p><p>Write an inequality to represent the amount of time, in minutes, that Chelsea can have for screen time each day after school, `t`.</p>

#6 of 7: Medium

Write simple inequality (word problems)

<p>Eva needs to save money to go on a trip to Europe. Eva will need to save for at least `40` weeks. </p><p>Write an inequality to represent the possible number of weeks Eva will need to save for, `x`. </p>

#7 of 7: Medium

Write simple inequality (word problems)

<p>Stephano is reading a book for school. He needs to read a minimum of `21` pages per day in order to finish the book on time.</p><p>Write an inequality to represent the number of pages that Stephano needs to read per day, `p`.</p>

Simple Inequality Word problems are an important topic in math for the students to understand. These are the basic word problems that help the students to understand the concept of inequality that means if left hand side is not equal to right hand side. It can be more or less but not equal. Teachers can share this amazing simple inequality word problems quiz with their students to ccheck their knowledge on this math topic.

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19-year math teacher
Carmel, CA
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