Write Equations From A Table Quiz

8 questions
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#1 of 8: Mild

Write equations from a table

<p> Chelsea reads for a certain amount of time every day after school in addition to completing her homework.</p> <p> The table shows the relationship between the amount of time Chelsea spent overall (`t` minutes) and the amount of time she spent on her homework (`h` minutes).</p><TableUIv2 data-props='{ "headers": [ { "value": "Time Spent on Homework (`h` minutes)" }, { "value": "Total Time (`t` minutes)" } ], "borders": {}, "rows": [ [ { "value": "35" }, { "value": "45" } ], [ { "value": "40" }, { "value": "50" } ], [ { "value": "45" }, { "value": "55" } ] ]}'></TableUIv2 ><ul><li>Identify the independent and dependent variables. </li> <li> Create an equation that shows the relationship between `t` and `h`.</li></ul>

#2 of 8: Mild

Write equations from a table

<p>The Granger family is talking about where to take a road trip.</p><p> They plan to make a day of it and stop for a picnic lunch along the way. The table represents the relationship between the time spent driving (`d` hours) and the total time spent on the trip (`t` hours).</p><TableUIv2 data-props='{ "headers": [ { "value": "Time Spent Driving (`d` hours)" }, { "value": "Total Trip Time (`t` hours)" } ], "borders": {}, "rows": [ [ { "value": "2" }, { "value": "3" } ], [ { "value": "3" }, { "value": "4" } ], [ { "value": "4" }, { "value": "5" } ] ]}'></TableUIv2 ><ul><li>Identify the independent and dependent variables. </li> <li> Create an equation that shows the relationship between `d` and `t`.</li></ul>

#3 of 8: Medium

Write equations from a table

<p>MaryAnne is walking laps on the track at the local high school.</p> <p> The table represents the relationship between the number of laps MaryAnne has completed (`L`) and the amount of time she has been walking (`m` minutes).</p><TableUIv2 data-props='{ "headers": [ { "value": "Number of Laps (`L`)" }, { "value": "Amount of Time (`m` minutes)" } ], "borders": {}, "rows": [ [ { "value": "2" }, { "value": "8" } ], [ { "value": "4" }, { "value": "16" } ], [ { "value": "6" }, { "value": "24" } ] ]}'></TableUIv2 ><ul><li>Identify the independent and dependent variables. </li> <li> Create an equation that shows the relationship between `L` and `m`.</li></ul>

#4 of 8: Medium

Write equations from a table

<p>George pitches the same number of innings during each of his little league baseball games.</p><p> The table shows the relationship between the number of games (`g`) and the total number of innings pitched (`i`).</p><TableUIv2 data-props='{ "headers": [ { "value": "Number of Games (`g`)" }, { "value": "Innings Pitched (`i`)" } ], "borders": {}, "rows": [ [ { "value": "8" }, { "value": "24" } ], [ { "value": "7" }, { "value": "21" } ], [ { "value": "6" }, { "value": "18" } ] ]}'></TableUIv2 ><ul><li>Identify the independent and dependent variables. </li> <li> Create an equation that shows the relationship between `g` and `i`.</li></ul>

#5 of 8: Medium

Write equations from a table

<p> Cool Treats frozen yogurt charges a certain amount per ounce.</p><p> The table shows the relationship between the amount of frozen yogurt served (`f` ounces) and the total cost (`c` dollars).</p><TableUIv2 data-props='{ "headers": [ { "value": "Amount of Frozen Yogurt (`f` ounces)" }, { "value": "Total cost (`c` dollars)" } ], "borders": {}, "rows": [ [ { "value": "8" }, { "value": "4" } ], [ { "value": "10" }, { "value": "5" } ], [ { "value": "12" }, { "value": "6" } ] ]}'></TableUIv2 ><ul><li>Identify the independent and dependent variables. </li> <li> Create an equation that shows the relationship between `f` and `c`.</li></ul>

#6 of 8: Medium

Write equations from a table

<p>The Samuels family makes sandwiches every day for their lunches.</p><p> The table represents the relationship between the number of days (`d`) and the number of slices of bread used (`s`).</p><TableUIv2 data-props='{ "headers": [ { "value": "Number of Days (`d`)" }, { "value": "Number of Slices (`s`)" } ], "borders": {}, "rows": [ [ { "value": "2" }, { "value": "24" } ], [ { "value": "3" }, { "value": "36" } ], [ { "value": "4" }, { "value": "48" } ] ]}'></TableUIv2 ><ul><li>Identify the independent and dependent variables. </li> <li> Create an equation that shows the relationship between `d` and `s`.</li></ul>

#7 of 8: Spicy

Write equations from a table

<p>Each ride on a roller coaster takes the same amount of time.</p><p> The table shows the relationship between the number of rides (`r`) and the amount of time (`t` minutes).<TableUIv2 data-props='{ "headers": [ { "value": "Number of Rides (`r`)" }, { "value": "Amount of Time (`t` minutes)" } ], "borders": {}, "rows": [ [ { "value": "2" }, { "value": "3" } ], [ { "value": "3" }, { "value": "4.5" } ], [ { "value": "4" }, { "value": "6" } ] ]}'></TableUIv2 ><ul><li>Identify the independent and dependent variables. </li> <li> Create an equation that shows the relationship between `r` and `t`.</li></ul>

#8 of 8: Spicy

Write equations from a table

<p> At a school carnival, students pay a certain amount for each ticket used to play the various games.</p> <p> The table shows the relationship between the number of tickets purchased (`t`) and the amount of money spent (`m` dollars).</p><TableUIv2 data-props='{ "headers": [ { "value": "Number of Tickets (`t`)" }, { "value": "Money Spent (`m` dollars)" } ], "borders": {}, "rows": [ [ { "value": "10" }, { "value": "2.50" } ], [ { "value": "20" }, { "value": "5.00" } ], [ { "value": "30" }, { "value": "7.50" } ] ]}'></TableUIv2 ><ul><li>Identify the independent and dependent variables. </li> <li> Create an equation that shows the relationship between `t` and `m`.</li></ul>

Writing equations from tables quiz will help your students to check their knowledge on same. When we have different values of x and y in a table, we can take the help of those values to frame and write a linear equation of the form y = mx + b where m is the slope of the given equation. To find out the value of m, we see the change in the values of y with respect to the change in values of x. Share this amaz...

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Grade 6
Expressions, Equations, And Inequalities

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