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Identify Effects From Removing, Adding, And Replacing A Data Point Quiz

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#1 of 7: Mild

Identify effects from removing, adding, and replacing a data point

<p>The following data set shows the number of team members on `5` sandcastle building teams:</p>`4`, `6`, `7`, `9`, `11`<p>The median is `7` team members. One additional team with `12` members also joined the competition and was added to the data set.</p> <p>How will including the new team affect the median?</p>

#2 of 7: Mild

Identify effects from removing, adding, and replacing a data point

<p>The following data set shows the weight, in pounds, of `5` student backpacks:</p>`12`, `14`, `19`, `22`, `13`<p>The mean weight of the backpacks is `16` pounds. One additional backpack with a weight of `8` pounds was added to the data set.</p> <p>How will adding the backpack that weighs `8` pounds affect the mean?</p>

#3 of 7: Medium

Identify effects from removing, adding, and replacing a data point

<p>An escape room kept track of the times, in minutes, it took various groups to complete their challenge of escaping. The following data set shows the times it took 6 groups to escape.</p>`18`, `20`, `25`, `31`, `35`, `40`<p>The median escape time is `28` minutes. One group did not follow the rules and received a penalty of `3` minutes. Their time changed from `40` minutes to `43` minutes.</p> <p>How will this change to the data set affect the median?</p>

#4 of 7: Medium

Identify effects from removing, adding, and replacing a data point

<p>A new robot that can jump fences is being developed by engineers. The following data set shows the number of times the robot was able to successfully jump over various fences out of `10` attempts:</p>`1`, `4`, `5`, `5`, `8`, `9`, `10`<p>The mean of the data set is `6`. The engineers decided to remove `1` from the data set, as this was accomplished using a very tall fence.</p> <p>How will removing `1` successful jump affect the mean?</p>

#5 of 7: Medium

Identify effects from removing, adding, and replacing a data point

<p>Students in Ms. Levy’s creative writing class are writing picture books for young readers. The following data set shows the number of pages that `7` students have completed:</p>`8`, `12`, `13`, `13`, `13`, `14`, `17`<p>The median number of pages completed is `13`. One student who had been out sick brought her `13` pages to class upon her return. </p> <p>How will adding the student’s `13` completed pages affect the median?</p>

#6 of 7: Spicy

Identify effects from removing, adding, and replacing a data point

<p>The following data set shows some of the predicted wave heights, in meters, for the surf at a beach in Hawaii over a two week period:</p>`2.8`, `2.4`, `2.1`, `2`, `2.6`, `2.9`, `3`, `2.9`, `2.8`, `2.5`<p>The mean wave height is `2.6` meters. </p> <p>How will removing the predicted height of `2.6` meters from the data set affect the mean?</p>

#7 of 7: Spicy

Identify effects from removing, adding, and replacing a data point

<p>The following data set shows the number of cars on various freight trains:</p>`87`, `92`, `98`, `100`, `105`, `121`, `135`, `138`, `145`, `180`<p>The median train length is `113` cars. The group that compiled the list realized they left off a short train with only `65` cars.</p> <p>How will adding a train with `65` cars affect the median?</p>

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In Grade 6 statistics, identifying the effects of adding, removing, and replacing a data point quiz can help teachers to understand the knowledge gaps or misconceptions for their students. By taking these quizzes, students can practice their critical thinking and problem-solving skills and gain a deeper understanding of how adding, remo...

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Grade 6

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Carmel, CA
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