5 Ways To Challenge Middle School Math Students During Math Workshop

math workshop

The math workshop is becoming an everyday activity for advanced learners. They tend to stand out like a sore thumb if math teachers do not have the resources to keep the advanced learners’ minds engaged during the math workshop. Students who fulfill goals and show mastery early in math topics often lose interest or engagement in a math workshop if the teacher does not develop some challenging concepts or problems. Sometimes, it makes math block the least favorite part of the school day for advanced students.

As a math teacher, you should provide a setting to these advanced students wherein just getting “done” or simply solving the problem is not emphasized. This is mainly required to maintain engagement amongst your advanced students during math workshops. You can also arrange a wide range of learning activities regularly in your math workshop to prove their understanding.

Finally, create and share routines and expectations once you have assembled ways to challenge your advanced students during math workshops. Mathematically gifted students require unique math workshop that will accelerate and offers opportunities for complex mathematical reasoning. Here are five ways through which you can challenge your advanced students. Let’s read to find out 

5 Ways To Challenge Students During Math Workshop:

1. Task Cards For Solving Issues

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In this method, the math teacher expects the students to use rigorous problem-solving abilities for in-depth problem-solving activities. For example, teachers can ask them to evaluate multi-step word problems, demonstrate their mathematical understanding of various techniques, and share their answers and problem-solving method with everyone present in the workshop.

Giving students various task cards enhances their ownership over their learning process because they can decide which activity they want to focus on each day. If teachers give advanced learners challenging task options for the already challenging making significance tasks described above, using these tasks might be fascinating.

The grade-level skills you give your students each day must be used in challenge assignments for them all to access more complicated material without your direct instruction. Advanced students like working with peers to develop their own better understanding and find this self-directed learning option very engaging.

Regular problem-solving analyses, intricate modeling, written communication training, and opportunities for self-directed learning, including assignments that function in organizations among younger mathematicians. That sounds more enticing than the other sheet, with additional math problems only part of this effort on the face.

The way it might seem in your classroom:

· Every day, give a brief arithmetic lesson for class time.

· During the rotation or standalone station called “At Your Seat”:

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· Daily a short set of exercises to show they understand the skills taught in today’s edition.

· Students have almost double accuracy on their homework.

· Each Student chooses one problem-solving exercise and chooses their collection that is relevant to the week’s lessons.

· Set aside a little time every few days to meet with your advanced students and assess their progress through meaningful or complex exercises. The appropriate time to rehearse requirements for comprehensive written math solutions and justifications is throughout these small group sessions.

2. Project-Based Education

Imagine that after your pre-assessment, you immediately see pupils who have mastered the math standards you plan to teach. It takes place in almost all classrooms. Instead of having these children complete their daily math tasks, you might think about having them work towards a common goal.

This enrichment choice fascinates students who like to use their imagination, exercise creativity, and develop long-term time management. The challenge arises in coordinating two very different forms of learning co-occurring during one learning block once you have a small group of proficient readers working on an enrichment assignment. At the same time, you lead the entire class toward proficiency.

To make this task more manageable, look for or write project instructions and directions so detailed that they make it seem like you are guiding your Student through each step. Thanks to these comprehensive guides, advanced students can develop their reading and direction-following skills while using their math skills in practical situations.

Since developing step-by-step project guides requires a while, you can look through our collection for ready-made solutions.

The way it might seem in your classroom:

· Create a pacing schedule for the students working on your enrichment activity.

· Every day, give the entire class a brief math lesson again.

· Students that showed proficiency on your pre-assessment move this onto their project-based learning module during the At Your Seat turning station, while those still striving for mastery do a short problem-solving set and task cards.

· Plan to meet with your bright students every few days to review their progress toward carrying out the project checkpoints. The ideal time to place expectations for project quality is during these small group sessions.

3. Individualized Game Play

Individualized Game Play

Some of your bright students enjoy using activities to enhance their understanding of mathematical ideas. Develop or pick math games featuring alternatives for more complex levels of the game to ensure their playing sessions are engaging.

It is simple for all students to seamlessly shift towards a more challenging game version when the instructions for raising the level of play are provided alongside the other play instructions. In addition, the ability to teach the game to the entire class at once, instead of taking the time to introduce types of games to different groups of students, will save you time as an instructor. Please put my Hands-On Learning Games for a year’s worth of activities already prepared in this manner.

The way it might seem in your classroom:

· Every day, conduct a brief math lesson for the entire class.

· During your teaching block, students could play each math game’s beginning or expert version as they pass by the game station.

4. Check For Computation

Give your student experience doing basic arithmetic computations and resolving problems pertinent to a day of mini-lesson.

The practice books for computation tests students have completed for the first five or six minutes of an At Your Seat cycle.

They then review the answer sheet you made available to ensure their work is accurate. Students know that they are welcome to have their computation check evaluated by you for accuracy on days when you all move around the class to have one-on-one needs-based conferences.

5. Journaling In Math

Allowing students to speak about how they comprehend mathematics is easy to challenge advanced students.

There are various formats of math journals. Here is a list of several concepts to just pondering.

· Show many ways to resolve a problem’s resolution.

· Create your magazine.

· Demonstrate how you generate a strategy.

· Describe how you are sure your answer is correct.

· Explain how another solved a problem by evaluating their work.

· Think about your development and school needs in math.

· Note down unique ideas on a specific math subject and math broadly.

· Think of practical uses for each math skill.

· Claim the most meaningful learning, week, or unit.

· Make a thinking map to showcase your knowledge of the subject.

Also read: 15 Ways To Create A Positive Learning Environment In Your Classroom 


Including one or all of the above ways in daily math workshops can challenge advanced students and maintain their interest in math class. They will love math every day in your classroom when they are actively engaged in the learning process activities that challenge and broaden their thinking in fun and innovative ways.

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