10 Best Auditory Learning to Help Math Teachers

Auditory Learning

Being a math teacher might be the most challenging job if they can’t help their students visualize a thing. To get that on board, the teachers need to properly grasp auditory learning, which can make their work easy. There are different ways through which a teacher can teach, but some students get the most out of it through auditory learning. 

Hearing and repeating a thing multiple times was always considered one of the oldest ways of retaining things in our minds. To grasp most things during a class, students must adequately grasp three different actions, i.e., hearing, listening, and having a proper visual. The learners can quickly grasp a concept simply by listening and tend to have a better memory of remembering it if it’s repeated by the teacher multiple times. Our brain is good at retaining memory through auditory means rather than just learning blindly. 

Best Auditory Learning Methods a Teacher Can Use 

Some auditory learning strategies which a teacher can use in their class to make learning easy are as follows. Let’s read on to find out 

1. Make Sure that the Student Can Hear You Promptly

hearing in class auditory learning

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The first and foremost step to successful class learning is to make your student listen to you properly. You need to keep the classroom noises to the lower level to ensure it. You could even use a microphone to get to them, and if it isn’t available, then you could consider passing earphones to every student so that they can hear you properly. When you pass your message effectively to the students, especially in a subject like math, they can interpret and understand your message correctly and proceed effectively. 

2. Record Lectures and Notes and Make Them Available to the Students

A subject like math needs proper thinking skills, and a great way to encourage your students to think is by providing them with recorded lectures and notes. At times, students cannot grasp concepts properly in class. Recorded lectures and notes are a great way to cope with the batchmates, as these adjustments would be just enough to make students not feel guilty about missing their classes. 

Suppose there is a chapter in math going on in the class, and three students cannot make it to the class for three days. When they attend the class, they won’t get anything and will be clueless. To prevent them from such circumstances, teachers can provide notes and lectures. It can also benefit auditory learners who want to know the topics more deeply at home. Students can use these lectures as external help for doing homework also.

3. Use of Rhythms, Mnemonics, and Songs 

One of the best ways to teach auditory learners is through rhythms and music. Teachers can use these to teach any subject from math to language, and teachers or their students can write the tones. Mnemonics are lately being used very widely. BODMAS, PEMDAS, Dads Silly Triangle [distance=speed*time], Add Sugar To Coffee (All Sin Tan Cos), etc., are some of the widely used mnemonics. Teachers can even use songs to make them learn formulas, making class learning enjoyable. 

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Sometimes they can even use some rhythms or tunes to make them get through challenging word problems. It is best to give students a chance to make their own mnemonic, songs, or rhythm, which would help them retain concepts for a more extended period. Teachers can even add soft music to the class to increase students’ focus, but it should be very light. 

4. Make Some Interesting Diagrams Depicting the Problems, and Play Some Background Music 

Interesting Diagrams Depicting the Problems

With music rhythms and tunes, teachers can also add some portraits related to the topics, explain different word problems with different pictures, or make some fun stories about it. This way, most of them will find it exciting, and the portraits will increase their in-depth knowledge of a descriptive math problem.

They now would tend to do more sums than before, and also adding some sound effects would engage the auditory learners to a great extent and would help them improve on imaginary thinking skills, which would make their math a lot easier in the future.

5. Conducting Friendly Q&A Sessions Regularly

Conducting friendly Q&A sessions regularly would be a great help for the teachers to get to know their students pretty well. In a subject like math, most of the students tend to keep out their doubts and instead of going to the teachers, they keep their doubts within themselves.

Later these doubts accumulate to become a massive pile of doubts, making them lose their confidence. By holding these sessions, students who might not even ask any doubt can get their answers when someone else asks some common doubts.

These sessions help teachers and students to connect appropriately. These sessions are a boon for the auditory listeners to keep them engaged, which would eventually help them to discuss and quickly gather vital information about the topics from the teachers.

6. Read Aloud and Recite Several Times 

reading aloud

Reading aloud and reciting can help students retain concepts properly, especially while learning the tables and using tricky math formulas. Reading out loud to your student and making them repeat after you increase the auditory learners’ reading and understanding skills and makes them concentrate on that particular topic without even getting disturbed. 

7. Play Some Verbal Games 

It’s a great way of learning while playing. For aural learners, you can make them play certain games like ‘complete the equation,’ ‘fill in the missing formula,’ and ‘just a minute,’ which would be a perfect way to increase their knowledge of some important topics.

Playing these verbal and mathematical games can be very beneficial for the learners to enhance their cognitive and problem-solving skills, which will further help them to counter difficult situations in the future.  

8. Use of Audiobooks 

These are pretty popular among kids nowadays. It’s straightforward for the kids to understand; it takes the effort of reading, thus leaving room for more enjoyment.

So as a teacher, you must ensure that your students are provided audiobooks to increase their listening skills. There are great audiobooks available on the internet that explain complex mathematical concepts concisely. 

9. Make Them Do Some Group Projects 

Teaming up with classmates will help the learners enhance facts and details more deeply but will also help develop leadership and interaction skills with the members. Make them write some interesting math riddles or math puzzles.

Make different teams and ask them to prepare math riddles, puzzles, or quizzes. Ask the other teams for an answer but remember not to ask the answer to the same group who asked the questions. Hearing a question on puzzles or math riddles would require a lot of concentration. Thereby increasing the listening and thinking abilities of your students. 

10. Make Them Hear Self-recordings 

In a subject like mathematics, you need to know at what point you are lacking. Making students hear self-recordings can be one of the best ways to do that. When students hear their self-recordings on different formulas and suppose they try to make some notes, repeat them, and listen several times, it might help them properly grasp the concepts more deeply. 

As a teacher, you must ensure that your student uses it; if they forget anything, they can play it back again. Nowadays, an online curriculum works exceptionally well for a student who learns by hearing. Younger students enjoy the colorful representation in interactive platforms that teachers teach, thus allowing the students to think out loud and understand any in-depth concept.

Auditory Learning Can Change the Way of Thinking in Students 

As we live in this very modern world, it is the age of interacting with others and building excellent communication skills. There are many reasons why a kid should engage in auditory learning. It helps them to develop social skills, which will eventually help them to interact with each other.

It provides critical thinking by allowing a student to ask questions that any teacher would want if the student doesn’t understand. It also helps them to develop problem-solving skills, which would come into action in this harsh real world.

To get them to do that, they need the one who could quickly help them to grasp it, and a great teacher with an excellent command of these auditory skills could help them to achieve it. 

Also Read: 10 Personalized Learning Strategies To Implement In Class


Mathematics is a subject that is presumed to have no scope for auditory learning, but it is not valid. It starts from the very beginning by learning the basic numbers, learning the different tables, and doing those chocolate problems. All these phases of learning used our auditory senses to keep them intact in our brains for all these long years and continue to do so. 

Even a subject like math has a lot to do with auditory learning.The learner who learns using auditory senses tends to have long-term information. Still, the only problem that comes in the way is that they need multiple repetitions to remember, so the more senses are involved, the greater the chance of retaining it.

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