Write Equations Of Proportional Relationships Quiz

7 questions
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#1 of 7: Spicy

Write equations of proportional relationships

<p>With good weather conditions, a vegetable plant will grow `12 3/4` inches in height in `1 1/2` months. The growth of the plant is directly proportional to the amount of time since it was planted. </p><p>Write an equation to describe the relationship between the amount of time since planting (`x` months) and the increase in plant height (`y` inches). </p>

#2 of 7: Medium

Write equations of proportional relationships

<p>The following table shows a proportional relationship between the amount of time, in hours, that a student has been reading and the number of pages they have read in their book.</p> <tableuiv2 data-props='{"headers":[{"type":"text","text_color":"#080808","value":" Time (`x` hours ) "},{"type":"text","value":"Number of Pages (`y`)","text_color":"#080808"}],"rows":[[{"value":"`1/4`"},{"value":"`4`"}],[{"value":"`1/2`"},{"value":"`8`"}],[{"value":"`3/4`"},{"value":"`12`"}]]}'/> /> => </tableuiv2><p> Write an equation to describe the relationship between the amount of time the student has been reading (`x`) and the number of pages they have read (`y`).</p>

#3 of 7: Medium

Write equations of proportional relationships

<p>The weight of an object on the Moon is directly proportional to the object's weight on Earth. A stone that weighs `100` pounds on the Earth will weighs`16 1/2` pounds on the Moon.</p><p>Write an equation to describe the relationship between the object's weight on the Earth (`x` pounds) and the object's weight on the Moon (`y` pounds).</p>

#4 of 7: Mild

Write equations of proportional relationships

<p>Amanda wants to calculate the amount of time it will take her to travel a certain distance. She makes the graph below to show the distance she travels (`y` miles) in a given time (`x` hours). </p><linegraph data-props='{"options":{"x_min":0,"y_min":0,"y_max":400,"x_max":8,"cell_size":35,"x_interval":1,"y_interval":50,"x_label":"Time (hours)","y_label":"Distance (miles)","title":"Amanda's Distance Traveled Over TIme","x_axis_name":"x","y_axis_name":"y"},"points":[{"id":0,"x":0,"y":0,"show_point":false,"highlight_point":false,"show_coordinates":false,"show_x_intercept":false,"show_y_intercept":false,"x_coordinate_highlight":true,"y_coordinate_highlight":true,"show_x_intercept_point":false,"show_y_intercept_point":false},{"id":1,"x":1,"y":50,"show_point":false,"highlight_point":false,"highlight_point_color":"#A3A3B3","show_coordinates":false,"x_coordinate_highlight":true,"y_coordinate_highlight":true,"show_x_intercept_point":false,"show_y_intercept_point":false,"show_x_intercept":false,"show_y_intercept":false},{"id":2,"x":8,"y":400,"show_point":false,"highlight_point":false,"highlight_point_color":"#A3A3B3","show_coordinates":false,"x_coordinate_highlight":true,"y_coordinate_highlight":true,"show_x_intercept_point":false,"show_y_intercept_point":false,"show_x_intercept":false,"show_y_intercept":false}],"line_segments":[{"first_point_id":0,"second_point_id":2,"show_start_arrow":false,"show_end_arrow":true,"highlight_line":"#A3A3B3"}]}'></linegraph><p>Write an equation that represents the proportional relationship in this graph, for `y` in terms of `x`.</p>

#5 of 7: Mild

Write equations of proportional relationships

<p>A recipe for a strawberry milkshake requires some number of strawberries per cup of milk. The graph below shows the number of strawberries needed (`y`) for milk used (`x` cups).</p><linegraph data-props='{"options":{"x_min":0,"y_min":0,"y_max":18,"x_max":6,"cell_size":40,"x_interval":1,"y_interval":3,"x_label":"Amount of Milk (cups)","y_label":"Number of Strawberries","title":"Strawberry Milkshake Recipe","x_axis_name":"x","y_axis_name":"y"},"points":[{"id":0,"x":0,"y":0,"show_point":false,"highlight_point":false,"show_coordinates":false,"show_x_intercept":false,"show_y_intercept":false,"x_coordinate_highlight":true,"y_coordinate_highlight":true,"show_x_intercept_point":false,"show_y_intercept_point":false},{"id":1,"x":1,"y":3,"show_point":false,"highlight_point":false,"highlight_point_color":"#A3A3B3","show_coordinates":false,"x_coordinate_highlight":true,"y_coordinate_highlight":true,"show_x_intercept_point":false,"show_y_intercept_point":false,"show_x_intercept":false,"show_y_intercept":false},{"id":2,"x":6,"y":18,"show_point":false,"highlight_point":false,"highlight_point_color":"#A3A3B3","show_coordinates":false,"x_coordinate_highlight":true,"y_coordinate_highlight":true,"show_x_intercept_point":false,"show_y_intercept_point":false,"show_x_intercept":false,"show_y_intercept":false}],"line_segments":[{"first_point_id":0,"second_point_id":2,"show_start_arrow":false,"show_end_arrow":true,"highlight_line":"#A3A3B3"}]}'></linegraph><p>Write an equation that represents the proportional relationship in this graph, for `y` in terms of `x`.</p>

#6 of 7: Mild

Write equations of proportional relationships

<p>The following table shows a proportional relationship between the number of games played by a soccer team and the number of points earned during each game.</p> <tableuiv2 data-props='{"headers":[{"type":"text","text_color":"#080808","value":"Number of Games (`x`) "},{"type":"text","value":"Points Earned (`y`)","text_color":"#080808"}],"rows":[[{"value":"`2`"},{"value":"`6`"}],[{"value":"`4`"},{"value":"`12`"}],[{"value":"`7`"},{"value":"`21`"}]]}'/> /> => </tableuiv2><p> Write an equation to describe the relationship between the number of soccer games played (`x`) and the number of points earned (`y`).</p>

#7 of 7: Mild

Write equations of proportional relationships

<p>Joshua is paid `$162` for `9` hours of work. The wages he earns are directly proportional to the time that he works.</p><p>Write an equation representing the relationship between the amount of time Joshua works (`x` hours) and the wages he earns (`y` dollars).</p>

Write equations of proportional relationships quiz is a useful tool for grade 7 math teachers to assess their students understanding of proportional relationships and their ability to write equations based on a given graph or table. 


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