Identifying Proportionality From Tables And Verbal Descriptions Problems

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#1 of 5: Medium

Identifying Proportionality From Tables and Verbal Descriptions

<p>John and David are playing an online card game. John played `5` games and scored `24` points. David played `8` games and scored `28` points. </p><ul><li>Find the points earned per game by John and David.</li><li>Use that to determine if there is a proportional relationship between the number of games played and the number of points earned.</li></ul><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your answer as an exact decimal or simplified fraction/mixed number.</highlight></p>

#2 of 5: Medium

Identifying Proportionality From Tables and Verbal Descriptions

<p>Find the amount of savings per week for each row in the table. Use that to determine if the table represents a proportional relationship between the number of weeks and the money Justin saves.</p><p> <tableuiv2 data-props='{"headers":[{"type":"text","text_color":"#080808","value":"Time (weeks)"},{"type":"text","value":"Savings (dollars)","text_color":"#080808"}],"rows":[[{"value":"`5`"},{"value":"`42.50`"}],[{"value":"`9`"},{"value":"`76.50`"}],[{"value":"`11`"},{"value":"`93.50`"}]]}'/></p><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your answer as an exact decimal or simplified fraction/mixed number.</highlight></p>

#3 of 5: Medium

Identifying Proportionality From Tables and Verbal Descriptions

<p>Find the number of swings built per day for each row in the table. Use that to determine if the table represents a proportional relationship between the number of days spent building swings and the number of swings built.</p><p><tableuiv2 data-props='{"headers":[{"type":"text","text_color":"#080808","value":"Time (days)"},{"type":"text","value":"Swings Built","text_color":"#080808"}],"rows":[[{"value":"`5`"},{"value":"`4`"}],[{"value":"`10`"},{"value":"`8`"}],[{"value":"`15`"},{"value":"`12`"}]]}'/></p><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your answer as an exact decimal or simplified fraction/mixed number.</highlight></p>

#4 of 5: Medium

Identifying Proportionality From Tables and Verbal Descriptions

<p>Ben and Corinne volunteered to fill treat bags for prizes at a carnival. Ben filled `25` treat bags in `20` minutes. Corinne filled `35` treat bags in `28` minutes. </p><ul><li>Find the number of treat bags filled per minute by Ben and Corinne.</li><li>Use that to determine if there is a proportional relationship between the amount of time spent and the number of treat bags filled.</li></ul><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your answer as an exact decimal or simplified fraction/mixed number.</highlight></p>

#5 of 5: Medium

Identifying Proportionality From Tables and Verbal Descriptions

<p>In Pizza Shop, `6` veggie pizzas cost `$75` and `8` bacon pizzas cost `$100`. </p><ul><li>Find the cost for each pizza.</li><li>Use that to determine if there is a proportional relationship between the number of pizzas and the total cost.</li></ul><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your answer as an exact decimal or simplified fraction/mixed number.</highlight></p>

If the ratios of the two variables are equal, they are called to be in a proportional relationship. For example, y =mx. Here, ‘m’ is the constant of proportionality. Using tables to Identify proportional relationships is very simple. First, calculate the ratio for each of the variables. If they are equivalent, they are in a proportional relationship. 

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