Benchmark Percents - Find The Whole (Word Problems) Quiz

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#1 of 8: Mild

Benchmark percents - Find the whole (word problems)

A shopkeeper is arranging the ice-cream bricks in a refrigerator. If he has already arranged 28 ice-cream bricks till now which is 25% of the total ice-cream bricks, how many more ice-cream bricks do he need to arrange?

#2 of 8: Mild

Benchmark percents - Find the whole (word problems)

<p>Oliver decided to give away DVDs that he no longer watched. </p><p>He ended up giving away `42` DVDs, which was `25%` of his collection. </p><p>How many DVDs did Oliver have in his original collection?</p>

#3 of 8: Medium

Benchmark percents - Find the whole (word problems)

Harlow burns firewood in her fireplace during the winter months. She placed an order for firewood in the fall, and burned 25% of the firewood by the end of the year. If Harlow had burned 153 pieces of wood by the end of the year, how many pieces of firewood were delivered in her original order?

#4 of 8: Medium

Benchmark percents - Find the whole (word problems)

<p>A potter is making vases to sell at an upcoming craft fair. So far, she has made `57` vases, which is `75%` of the number of vases that are needed for the fair. </p><p>How many total vases will the potter make to take to the craft fair?</p>

#5 of 8: Medium

Benchmark percents - Find the whole (word problems)

<p>For a science project on climate, Annalise noted that `117` days during her study had some sunshine. This was `75%` of the total number of days that she recorded the weather. </p><p>How many total days did Annalise keep track of the weather for her study on climate?</p>

#6 of 8: Medium

Benchmark percents - Find the whole (word problems)

<p>Ivy took `108` quarters out of her coin bank to buy a present for a friend. The number of quarters she took out represents `25%` of the total number of quarters she originally had in her bank. </p><p>How many quarters did Ivy originally have in her bank?</p>

#7 of 8: Spicy

Benchmark percents - Find the whole (word problems)

A student scored 75% marks in an examination. If he scored 252 marks in the examination what was the total marks of the examination?

#8 of 8: Spicy

Benchmark percents - Find the whole (word problems)

<p>On the day before the `6`th-grade field trip to the zoo, the teachers realized that only `75%` of the students had turned in their permission slip for the trip. If `234` students had turned in their permission slip, how many total students are in the 6th grade?</p>

We know, 100% is the same thing as 1/1 or 1. Similarly 50% is the same thing as ½ or 10% is the same thing as 1/10. Now let us look to see how we can calculate these benchmark percentages. If we have 100%, that is simply a whole number. So 100% of 69 will be 69 itself...

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Grade 6

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Carmel, CA
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