Area Of Trapezoid (Using Formula) Problems

8 questions
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#1 of 8: Mild

Area of trapezoid (using formula)

<p>What is the area of the trapezoid?</br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your answer as a whole number, simplified fraction, or exact decimal.</highlight></p><TrapezoidArea data-props='{ "reverse": false, "rectangle": { "width": { "value": 12, "side": "top", "label": { "text": "12 ft", "show": true, "style": "capped" } }, "height": { "value": 11, "side": "left", "label": { "text": "11 ft", "style": "capped", "show": true, "offsetX": 2 } }, "border_color": "black", "show_right_angle": "" }, "triangle": [ { "border_color": "black", "position": "right", "base": { "value": 8, "label": { "text": "8 ft", "show": false, "style": "capped" } }, "height": { "value": 11 },"slant_label": { "text": "13.6 ft" }, "right_angle": { "show": true }, "partial_side": { "show": true } } ], "options": { "cell_size": 12.5, "padding": 1, "padding_left": -0.5 }, "base": { "value": 20, "label": { "text": "20 ft", "show": true, "style": "capped" } }}'></TrapezoidArea>

#2 of 8: Medium

Area of trapezoid (using formula)

<p>What is the area of the trapezoid?</br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your answer as a whole number, simplified fraction, or exact decimal.</highlight></p><TrapezoidArea data-props='{ "reverse": false, "rectangle": { "width": { "value": 12, "side": "top", "label": { "text": "12 ft", "show": true, "style": "capped" } }, "height": { "value": 4, "side": "left", "label": { "text": "4 ft", "style": "capped", "show": true, "offsetX": 2 } }, "border_color": "black", "show_right_angle": "" }, "triangle": [ { "border_color": "black", "position": "right", "base": { "value": 5, "label": { "text": "5 ft", "show": false, "style": "capped" } }, "height": { "value": 4 },"slant_label": { "text": "6.4 ft" }, "right_angle": { "show": true }, "partial_side": { "show": true } } ], "options": { "cell_size": 18, "padding": 0.5 }, "base": { "value": 17, "label": { "text": "17 ft", "show": true, "style": "capped" } }}'></TrapezoidArea>

#3 of 8: Medium

Area of trapezoid (using formula)

<p>What is the area of the trapezoid?</br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your answer as a whole number, simplified fraction, or exact decimal.</highlight></p><TrapezoidArea data-props='{ "reverse": false, "rectangle": { "width": { "value": 10, "side": "top", "label": { "text": "10 in", "show": true, "style": "capped" } }, "height": { "value": 11, "side": "left", "label": { "text": "11 in", "style": "capped", "show": true, "offsetX": 3 } }, "border_color": "black", "show_right_angle": "" }, "triangle": [ { "border_color": "black", "position": "right", "base": { "value": 9.6, "label": { "text": "9.6 in", "show": false, "style": "capped" } }, "height": { "value": 11 },"slant_label": { "text": "14.6 in" }, "right_angle": { "show": true }, "partial_side": { "show": true } } ], "options": { "cell_size": 13, "padding": 0.5 }, "base": { "value": 19.6, "label": { "text": "19.6 in", "show": true, "style": "capped" } }}'></TrapezoidArea>

#4 of 8: Medium

Area of trapezoid (using formula)

<p>What is the area of the trapezoid?</br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your answer as a whole number, simplified fraction, or exact decimal.</highlight></p><TrapezoidArea data-props='{ "reverse": false, "base": { "color": "black", "label": { "text": "20 cm", "color": "black", "show": true } }, "rectangle": { "width": { "value": 15, "side": "top", "label": { "show": true, "color": "black", "text": "15 cm", "offsetY": 4 }, "color": "black" }, "height": { "value": 13, "side": "left", "label": { "show": true, "color": "black", "text": "13 cm", "offsetX": 2 } }, "border_color": "black", "show_right_angle": "top-left" }, "triangle": [ { "border_color": "black", "position": "left", "base": { "value": 2.5 }, "height": { "value": 13 }, "slant_label": { "text": "13.3 cm", "color": "black", "offsetX": 0, "offsetY": 0 }, "right_angle": { "show": true }, "partial_side": { "show": true, "color": "black" } }, { "border_color": "black", "position": "right", "base": { "value": 2.5 }, "height": { "value": 13, "hide": true }, "right_angle": { "show": false } } ], "options": { "cell_size": 9.8, "padding": 2,"padding_top": 0.5,"padding_right": 0.7,"padding_left": 5.5 }}'></TrapezoidArea>

#5 of 8: Medium

Area of trapezoid (using formula)

<p>What is the area of the trapezoid?</br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your answer as a whole number, simplified fraction, or exact decimal.</highlight></p><TrapezoidArea data-props='{ "reverse": true, "base": { "color": "black", "label": { "text": "14.5 mm", "offsetY": 8, "color": "black", "show": true } }, "rectangle": { "width": { "value": 8, "side": "top", "label": { "show": true, "color": "black", "text": "8 mm", "offsetY": 216 }, "color": "black" }, "height": { "value": 10.5, "side": "left", "label": { "show": true, "color": "black", "text": "10.5 mm", "offsetX": 2 } }, "border_color": "black", "show_right_angle": "top-left" }, "triangle": [ { "border_color": "black", "position": "left", "base": { "value": 3.25 }, "height": { "value": 10.5 }, "slant_label": { "text": "11 mm", "color": "black", "offsetX": -10, "offsetY": 10 }, "right_angle": { "show": false }, "partial_side": { "show": true, "color": "black" } }, { "border_color": "black", "position": "right", "base": { "value": 3.25 }, "height": { "value": 10.5, "hide": true }, "right_angle": { "show": false } } ], "options": { "cell_size": 17.7, "padding": 1,"padding_bottom": 1.3,"padding_top": 0.3,"padding_left": 3 }}'></TrapezoidArea>

#6 of 8: Spicy

Area of trapezoid (using formula)

<p>What is the area of the trapezoid?</br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your answer as a whole number, simplified fraction, or exact decimal.</highlight></p><TrapezoidArea data-props='{ "reverse": false, "rectangle": { "width": { "value": 8.5, "side": "top", "label": { "text": "8.5 cm", "show": true, "style": "capped" } }, "height": { "value": 12, "side": "left", "label": { "text": "12 cm", "style": "capped", "show": true, "offsetX": 1 } }, "border_color": "black", "show_right_angle": "" }, "triangle": [ { "border_color": "black", "position": "right", "base": { "value": 5, "label": { "text": "5 cm", "show": false, "style": "capped" } }, "height": { "value": 12 },"slant_label": { "text": "13 cm" }, "right_angle": { "show": true }, "partial_side": { "show": true } } ], "options": { "cell_size": 18, "padding": 0.6 }, "base": { "value": 13.5, "label": { "text": "13.5 cm", "show": true, "style": "capped" } }}'></TrapezoidArea>

#7 of 8: Spicy

Area of trapezoid (using formula)

<p>What is the area of the trapezoid?</br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your answer as a whole number, simplified fraction, or exact decimal.</highlight></p><TrapezoidArea data-props='{ "reverse": false, "base": { "color": "black", "label": { "text": "8.5 mm", "color": "black", "show": true, "offsetY": 1 } }, "rectangle": { "width": { "value": 6.5, "side": "top", "label": { "show": true, "color": "black", "text": "6.5 mm", "offsetY": 5 }, "color": "black" }, "height": { "value": 5, "side": "left", "label": { "show": true, "color": "black", "text": "5 mm", "offsetX": 2 } }, "border_color": "black", "show_right_angle": "top-left" }, "triangle": [ { "border_color": "black", "position": "left", "base": { "value": 1 }, "height": { "value": 5 }, "slant_label": { "text": "5.1 mm", "color": "black", "offsetX": -6, "offsetY": -4 }, "right_angle": { "show": true }, "partial_side": { "show": true, "color": "black" } }, { "border_color": "black", "position": "right", "base": { "value": 1 }, "height": { "value": 5, "hide": true }, "right_angle": { "show": false } } ], "options": { "cell_size": 19.1, "padding": 1,"padding_left": 3,"padding_bottom": 0.5,"padding_top": -0.1 }}'></TrapezoidArea>

#8 of 8: Spicy

Area of trapezoid (using formula)

<p>What is the area of the trapezoid?</br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your answer as a whole number, simplified fraction, or exact decimal.</highlight></p><TrapezoidArea data-props='{ "reverse": true, "base": { "color": "black", "label": { "text": "14.2 mm", "color": "black", "show": true, "offsetY": 7 } }, "rectangle": { "width": { "value": 10.6, "side": "top", "label": { "show": true, "color": "black", "text": "10.6 mm", "offsetY": 150 }, "color": "black" }, "height": { "value": 10, "side": "left", "label": { "show": true, "color": "black", "text": "10 mm", "offsetX": 2 } }, "border_color": "black", "show_right_angle": "top-left" }, "triangle": [ { "border_color": "black", "position": "left", "base": { "value": 1.8 }, "height": { "value": 10 }, "slant_label": { "text": "10.2 mm", "color": "black", "offsetX": -5, "offsetY": 10 }, "right_angle": { "show": false }, "partial_side": { "show": true, "color": "black" } }, { "border_color": "black", "position": "right", "base": { "value": 1.8 }, "height": { "value": 10, "hide": true }, "right_angle": { "show": false } } ], "options": { "cell_size": 12, "padding":1,"padding_left":5.5,"padding_bottom":2 }}'></TrapezoidArea>

In 6th Grade geometry, finding the area of a trapezoid is an essential concept. The area of a trapezoid is ½ * (base1 + base2) × height. By solving “Area of trapezoid using formula practice problems” students can build a deeper understanding of the concept and imp...

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Stephen Abate
19-year math teacher
Carmel, CA
Any math teacher that I know would love to have access to ByteLearn.
Jennifer Maschino
4-year math teacher
Summerville, SC
“I love that ByteLearn helps reduce a teacher’s workload and engages students through an interactive digital interface.”
Rodolpho Loureiro
Dean, math program manager, principal
Miami, FL
“ByteLearn provides instant, customized feedback for students—a game-changer to the educational landscape.”