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Write A System Of Equations (Word Problems) Quiz

8 questions
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#1 of 8: Mild

Write a system of equations (word problems)

<p>A hot dog stand sells hot dogs and sodas. An order of `3` hot dogs and `2` sodas costs `$13`. An order of `5` hotdogs and `2` sodas costs `$19`. </p><p>Write a system of equations to find the costs of `1` hot dog `(x)` and `1` soda `(y)`.</p>

#2 of 8: Mild

Write a system of equations (word problems)

<p>A bakery buys flour in `20`-pound and `50`-pound bags. During one week, they used `10.5` bags of flour, which is a total of `345` pounds. </p><p>Write a system of equations to find the number of `20`-pound bags `(x)` and the number of `50`-pound bags `(y)` that the bakery used during the week.</p>

#3 of 8: Medium

Write a system of equations (word problems)

<p>A summer camp buys two kinds of snacks for their campers. They buy boxes with `60` packs of fruit chews. Each camper gets `2` packs of fruit chews per day. They also buy boxes with `45` packs of cheese crackers. Each camper gets `1` pack of cheese crackers per day. </p><p>Write two equations in slope-intercept form to represent the number of each snack remaining `(y)` in terms of the number of campers `(x)`.</p>

#4 of 8: Medium

Write a system of equations (word problems)

<p>A gardener buys vegetable plants to put in her garden. The plants come in packs of `4` plants or packs of `6` plants. She buys `12` packs. When she gets home, she plants all of the plants, making `6` rows with `11` plants in each row. </p><p>Write a system of equations to find the number of packs with `4` plants `(x)` and the number of packs with `6` plants `(y)` that the gardener purchased.</p>

#5 of 8: Medium

Write a system of equations (word problems)

<p>A photographer sells large prints and small prints at an art fair. On Saturday, she sold `6` large prints and `13` small prints for a total of `$207.50` On Sunday she sold `3` large prints and `20` small prints for a total of `$232`. </p><p>Write a system of equations to find the costs of `1` large print `(x)` and `1` small print `(y)`. </p>

#6 of 8: Medium

Write a system of equations (word problems)

<p>Hikers Sorin and Jamal are departing from the same parking area. Sorin is planning a `10`-mile hike and hikes at a rate of `2.5` miles per hour. Jamal is planning a `11.5`-mile hike and hikes at a rate of `3` miles per hour. </p><p>Write two equations in slope-intercept form to represent the distance remaining for each hiker `(y)` in terms of the number of hours they have been hiking `(x)`.</p>

#7 of 8: Spicy

Write a system of equations (word problems)

<p>Zach and his friends order `1` pizza with `3` toppings for a total of `$16.65`. Penelope and her friends order `2` pizzas with a total of `5` toppings for `$31.75`. </p><p>Write a system of equations to find the prices of `1` pizza `(x)` and `1` topping `(y)`. </p>

#8 of 8: Spicy

Write a system of equations (word problems)

<p>A landscaper buys soil in two different sized bags for his projects. For one project, he bought `7` large bags and `2` small bags for a total of `6.25` cubic feet of soil. For another project, he bought `9` large bags and `2` small bags for a total of `7.75` cubic feet of soil. </p><p>Write a system of equations to find the number of cubic feet of soil in `1` large bag `(x)` and `1` small bag `(y)`.</p>

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In 8th grade, students learn about the system of equations and how to write equations from verbal descriptions. "Write a System of Equations Quiz" is designed to assess a student's analyzing and interpreting skills to write a system of equations from...

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Grade 8
Systems Of Equations

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Carmel, CA
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