Classify Triangles Quiz

6 questions
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#1 of 6: Mild

Classify triangles

<p>Classify the triangle:</p> <UiTriangle data-props='{ "options": { "cell_size": 15, "rows": 8, "columns": 14, "padding": 1, "yOffset": -2, "xOffset": 3 }, "scale_factor": 12, "vertex": { "top": { "label": "P", "angle": 30 }, "left": { "label": "R", "angle": 60 ,"labelYOffset": 2 }, "right": { "label": "Q", "angle": 90 } }, "sides": { "base": { "label": { "label": "7.5 cm", "labelXOffset" : 1 } }, "left": { "label": { "label": "15 cm" } }, "right": { "label": { "label": "13 cm" } } }, "arcs": [ { "position": "top", "labelXOffset": 6, "labelYOffset": 1, "label": "30°" }, { "position": "right", "labelYOffset": 3, "show_arc": true }, { "position": "left", "labelYOffset": 3, "labelXOffset": 1, "label": "60°" } ], "background_color": "white", "border_color": "black", "rotation_angle": -90}'></UiTriangle ><selectivedisplay data-props='{"show_in_create":true,"show_in_problem_qa": true}'> <p>Classification by angles</p> <ul><li>Acute triangle</li> <li>Right triangle</li> <li>Obtuse triangle</li></ul> <p>Classification by sides</p> <ul><li>Equilateral triangle</li> <li>Isosceles triangle</li> <li>Scalene triangle</li></ul> </selectivedisplay>

#2 of 6: Mild

Classify triangles

<p>Classify the triangle:</p> <UiTriangle data-props='{ "options": { "cell_size": 12.5, "rows": 9, "columns": 13, "padding": 1, "yOffset": 1, "xOffset": 5 }, "scale_factor": 9, "vertex": { "top": { "label": "A", "angle": 59 }, "left": { "label": "C", "angle": 31 }, "right": { "label": "B", "angle": 90 } }, "sides": { "base": { "label": { "label": "17 in" } }, "left": { "label": { "label": "20 in" } }, "right": { "label": { "label": "10 in" } } }, "arcs": [ { "position": "top", "labelXOffset": 1, "labelYOffset": 1, "label": "59°" }, { "position": "right", "labelYOffset": 3, "show_arc": true }, { "position": "left", "labelYOffset": -2, "labelXOffset": 7, "label": "31°" } ], "background_color": "white", "border_color": "black", "rotation_angle": -10}'></UiTriangle ><selectivedisplay data-props='{"show_in_create":true,"show_in_problem_qa": true}'> <p>Classification by angles</p> <ul><li>Acute triangle</li> <li>Right triangle</li> <li>Obtuse triangle</li></ul> <p>Classification by sides</p> <ul><li>Equilateral triangle</li> <li>Isosceles triangle</li> <li>Scalene triangle</li></ul> </selectivedisplay>

#3 of 6: Medium

Classify triangles

<p>Classify the triangle:</p> <UiTriangle data-props='{ "options": { "cell_size": 15, "rows": 7, "columns": 18, "padding": 1 , "yOffset": 0, "xOffset": 1 }, "scale_factor": 14, "rotation_angle": -5, "vertex": { "top": { "label": "C", "angle": 26 }, "left": { "label": "A", "angle": 134, "labelYOffset": 0 }, "right": { "label": "B", "angle": 20, "labelXOffset": -1 } }, "sides": { "base": { "hashMark": 1 }, "left": { "hashMark": 2 }, "right": { "hashMark": 3 } }, "arcs": [ { "position": "top", "labelXOffset": 30, "labelYOffset": 15, "label": "26°" }, { "position": "right", "labelXOffset": -5, "labelYOffset": -1, "show_arc": false, "label": "20°" }, { "position": "left", "labelYOffset": 18, "labelXOffset": 2, "label": "134°" } ], "background_color": "white", "border_color": "black"}'></UiTriangle ><selectivedisplay data-props='{"show_in_create":true,"show_in_problem_qa": true}'> <p>Classification by angles</p> <ul><li>Acute triangle</li> <li>Right triangle</li> <li>Obtuse triangle</li></ul> <p>Classification by sides</p> <ul><li>Equilateral triangle</li> <li>Isosceles triangle</li> <li>Scalene triangle</li></ul> </selectivedisplay>

#4 of 6: Medium

Classify triangles

<p> Triangle `PQR` has angle measures of `120°`, `40°`, and `20°`. Its side lengths are `11` cm, `6` cm, and `15` cm.</p> <p>Classify the triangle:</p> <selectivedisplay data-props='{"show_in_create":true,"show_in_problem_qa": true}'> <p>Classification by angles</p> <ul><li>Acute triangle</li> <li>Right triangle</li> <li>Obtuse triangle</li></ul> <p>Classification by sides</p> <ul><li>Equilateral triangle</li> <li>Isosceles triangle</li> <li>Scalene triangle</li></ul> </selectivedisplay>

#5 of 6: Medium

Classify triangles

<p> Triangle `ABC` has angle measures of `20°`, `30°`, and `130°`. Its side lengths are `10` yd, `15` yd, and `6.8` yd.</p> <p>Classify the triangle:</p> <selectivedisplay data-props='{"show_in_create":true,"show_in_problem_qa": true}'> <p>Classification by angles</p> <ul><li>Acute triangle</li> <li>Right triangle</li> <li>Obtuse triangle</li></ul> <p>Classification by sides</p> <ul><li>Equilateral triangle</li> <li>Isosceles triangle</li> <li>Scalene triangle</li></ul> </selectivedisplay>

#6 of 6: Medium

Classify triangles

<p> Triangle `ABC` has angle measures of `65°`, `65°`, and `50°`. Its side lengths are `2` ft, `2.4` ft, and `2.4` ft.</p> <p>Classify the triangle:</p> <selectivedisplay data-props='{"show_in_create":true,"show_in_problem_qa": true}'> <p>Classification by angles</p> <ul><li>Acute triangle</li> <li>Right triangle</li> <li>Obtuse triangle</li></ul> <p>Classification by sides</p> <ul><li>Equilateral triangle</li> <li>Isosceles triangle</li> <li>Scalene triangle</li></ul> </selectivedisplay>

Classify triangles quiz is an important concept in mathematics because it allows your students to understand the properties of different types of triangles and how they relate to each other. Triangles have different properties based on their side lengths and angle measures, and understanding these properties is essential for solving problems in geometry and trigonometry. 

There are several ways to classify triangles, such as by their side lengths (scalene, isosceles, equilateral) or by their angle measures (right, a...

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Carmel, CA
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