
Compare Mean, Median, Range Using Dot Plots Worksheet

7 problems

Mean, median and Range are the measures of central tendency. Mean is the average of the given numbers. Similarly, median is the middlemost value of data or observation. Likewise, mode is the value that occurs the highest time in an observation. Range is the difference between the smallest and largest number of observations. One can easily compare mean, median, range using dot plots. 

Grade 7

Teaching Comparing Mean, Median, Range using dot plots Easily 


  • Firstly, compute the data provided in the question. 
  • Secondly, you may use the appropriate formula. For instance, range = highest value - smallest value. 
  • Lastly, simplify the equation and simplify it further. 

Why Should You Compare mean, median, range using dot plots Worksheet For Your students? 


  • Using these worksheets will help your students to know more about mean, median, range and so on. 
  • Solving these worksheets can help your...
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