Interpret And Compare Signed Numbers In A Table (Word Problems) Problems

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#1 of 8: Mild

Interpret and compare signed numbers in a table (word problems)

<p>The table shows the elevations of several landmarks in California.</p><selectivedisplay data-props='{"show_in_create":true,"show_in_problem_qa": true}'><TableUIv2 data-props='{ "headers": [ { "value": "Landmark" }, { "value": "Elevation (feet)" } ], "borders": { "rows": [], "cols": [] }, "rows": [ [ { "value": "Salton Sea" }, { "value": "`-234`" } ], [ { "value": "Golden Gate Bridge" }, { "value": "`220`" } ], [ { "value": "Los Angeles" }, { "value": "`305`" } ], [ { "value": "Death Valley" }, { "value": "`-282`" } ] ]}'></TableUIv2 ><ul><li>Which landmark has the lowest elevation?</li><li>Which landmark has the highest elevation?</li><li>Which landmark has the elevation closest to sea level?</li></ul></selectivedisplay>

#2 of 8: Medium

Interpret and compare signed numbers in a table (word problems)

<p>The table shows the balance in Felix’s bank account at the end of four different months.</p><selectivedisplay data-props='{"show_in_create":true,"show_in_problem_qa": true}'><TableUIv2 data-props='{ "headers": [ { "value": "Month" }, { "value": "Balance (dollars)" } ], "borders": { "rows": [], "cols": [] }, "rows": [ [ { "value": "March " }, { "value": "`1text{,}450`" } ], [ { "value": "April" }, { "value": "`-18`" } ], [ { "value": "May" }, { "value": "`-7`" } ], [ { "value": "June" }, { "value": "`863`" } ] ]}'></TableUIv2 > <ul><li>In which month did the account have the lowest balance?</li><li>In which month did the account have the highest balance?</li></ul></selectivedisplay>

#3 of 8: Medium

Interpret and compare signed numbers in a table (word problems)

<p>The table shows how close four different flights came to arriving on time.</p><selectivedisplay data-props='{"show_in_create":true,"show_in_problem_qa": true}'><TableUIv2 data-props='{ "headers": [ { "value": "Flight" }, { "value": "Arrival (minutes)" } ], "borders": { "rows": [], "cols": [] }, "rows": [ [ { "value": "Denver to Phoenix" }, { "value": "`-3`" } ], [ { "value": "Atlanta to NY" }, { "value": "`11`" } ], [ { "value": "Cleveland to Des Moines" }, { "value": "`6`" } ], [ { "value": "LA to Seattle" }, { "value": "`-5`" } ] ]}'></TableUIv2 ><ul><li>Which flight arrived earliest compared to what was expected?</li><li>Which flight arrived latest compared to what was expected?</li><li>Which flight was the closest to being exactly on time?</li></ul></selectivedisplay>

#4 of 8: Medium

Interpret and compare signed numbers in a table (word problems)

<p>Mr. Abbot’s class had a contest to guess the number of jelly beans in a jar. The table shows the guesses of four students compared to the actual number.</p><selectivedisplay data-props='{"show_in_create":true,"show_in_problem_qa": true}'><TableUIv2 data-props='{ "headers": [ { "value": "Student" }, { "value": "Comparison to Actual Number" } ], "borders": { "rows": [], "cols": [] }, "rows": [ [ { "value": "Lance" }, { "value": "`122`" } ], [ { "value": "Steven" }, { "value": "`-105`" } ], [ { "value": "Derek" }, { "value": "`304`" } ], [ { "value": "Megan" }, { "value": "`-62`" } ] ]}'></TableUIv2 ><ul><li>Which student guessed the lowest number?</li><li>Which student guessed the highest number?</li><li>Which student’s guess was the closest to the actual number of jelly beans?</li></ul></selectivedisplay>

#5 of 8: Medium

Interpret and compare signed numbers in a table (word problems)

<p>In a certain card game, some cards have positive points and some cards have negative points. The table shows the values of the last four cards Felicia has to play.</p><selectivedisplay data-props='{"show_in_create":true,"show_in_problem_qa": true}'><TableUIv2 data-props='{ "headers": [ { "value": "Card" }, { "value": "Value" } ], "borders": { "rows": [], "cols": [] }, "rows": [ [ { "value": "`1`" }, { "value": "`-10`" } ], [ { "value": "`2`" }, { "value": "`15`" } ], [ { "value": "`3`" }, { "value": "`-20`" } ], [ { "value": "`4`" }, { "value": "`325`" } ] ]}'></TableUIv2 ><ul><li>Which of Felicia’s cards has the lowest value?</li><li>Which of Felicia’s cards has the greatest value?</li><li>Which of Felicia’s cards has a value farthest from zero?</li></ul></selectivedisplay>

#6 of 8: Spicy

Interpret and compare signed numbers in a table (word problems)

<p>The Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin Patch had a contest to guess the circumference of the giant pumpkin they have on display. The table shows how four people's guesses compare to the actual circumference.</p><selectivedisplay data-props='{"show_in_create":true,"show_in_problem_qa": true}'><TableUIv2 data-props='{ "headers": [ { "value": "Person" }, { "value": "Comparison to Actual Circumference" } ], "borders": { "rows": [], "cols": [] }, "rows": [ [ { "value": "Jules" }, { "value": "`8.5`" } ], [ { "value": "Stefano" }, { "value": "`-10.5`" } ], [ { "value": "DeShaun" }, { "value": "`3.0`" } ], [ { "value": "Mabel" }, { "value": "`-2.75`" } ] ]}'></TableUIv2 ><ul><li>Which person guessed the lowest circumference?</li><li>Which person guessed the highest circumference?</li><li>Which person’s guess was closest to the actual circumference?</li></ul></selectivedisplay>

#7 of 8: Spicy

Interpret and compare signed numbers in a table (word problems)

<p>Oscar plays in a monthly card game with his friends. The table shows the amount of money he won or lost in the last four games.</p><selectivedisplay data-props='{"show_in_create":true,"show_in_problem_qa": true}'><TableUIv2 data-props='{ "headers": [ { "value": "Month" }, { "value": "Outcome" } ], "borders": { "rows": [], "cols": [] }, "rows": [ [ { "value": "January" }, { "value": "`-5.75`" } ], [ { "value": "February" }, { "value": "`-2.50`" } ], [ { "value": "March" }, { "value": "`11`" } ], [ { "value": "April" }, { "value": "`7.25`" } ] ]}'></TableUIv2 ><ul><li>In which game did Oscar have the worst outcome?</li><li>In which game did Oscar have the best outcome?</li><li>In which game was Oscar closest to breaking even?</li></ul></selectivedisplay>

#8 of 8: Spicy

Interpret and compare signed numbers in a table (word problems)

<p>The Red Hornet football team has the ball at a certain position on the field. The table shows how their field position changed on the next four plays. </p><selectivedisplay data-props='{"show_in_create":true,"show_in_problem_qa": true}'><TableUIv2 data-props='{ "headers": [ { "value": "Play Number" }, { "value": "Change (yards)" } ], "borders": { "rows": [], "cols": [] }, "rows": [ [ { "value": "`1`" }, { "value": "`3 1/2`" } ], [ { "value": "`2`" }, { "value": "`-2`" } ], [ { "value": "`3`" }, { "value": "`9`" } ], [ { "value": "`4`" }, { "value": "`-2 1/2`" } ] ]}'></TableUIv2 ><ul><li>On which play did the team gain the most yards?</li><li>On which play did the team lose the most yards?</li><li>On which play did the team’s field position change the most?</li></ul></selectivedisplay>

In 6th grade, students learn about the signed numbers but interpreting and comparing them in a table can challenging. “Interpret and compare signed numbers in a table practice problems” help students to develop a deep understanding of comparing signed numbers in a table. These practice problems include word problems that present ...

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Grade 6
Negative Numbers
6.NS.C.7.B 6.NS.C.7.D

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Stephen Abate
19-year math teacher
Carmel, CA
Any math teacher that I know would love to have access to ByteLearn.
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Summerville, SC
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Miami, FL
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