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Write the repeating decimal as a fraction.\newline.801801801.801801801

Full solution

Q. Write the repeating decimal as a fraction.\newline.801801801.801801801
  1. Identify Repeating Pattern: Identify the repeating pattern in the decimal. The digits "801801" repeat indefinitely.
  2. Assign Variable xx: Let xx equal the repeating decimal: x=0.801801801x = 0.801801801\ldots
  3. Multiply by 10001000: Multiply xx by 10001000 to shift the decimal point three places to the right, since the repeating pattern has three digits: 1000x=801.8018018011000x = 801.801801801\ldots
  4. Subtract Equations: Subtract the original equation x=0.801801801...x = 0.801801801... from the new equation 1000x=801.801801801...1000x = 801.801801801... to eliminate the repeating decimals: 1000xx=801.801801801...0.801801801...1000x - x = 801.801801801... - 0.801801801...
  5. Perform Subtraction: Perform the subtraction: 999x=801999x = 801
  6. Divide by 999999: Divide both sides of the equation by 999999 to solve for xx: x=801999x = \frac{801}{999}
  7. Find GCD: Simplify the fraction by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 801801 and 999999. The GCD of 801801 and 999999 is 99.
  8. Simplify Fraction: Divide both the numerator and the denominator by the GCD to simplify the fraction: x=8019/9999=89111x = \frac{801}{9} / \frac{999}{9} = \frac{89}{111}

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