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Look at the picture of the bullet below!
The surface area of the bullet is ... (in 
pi )

Look at the picture of the bullet below!\newlineThe surface area of the bullet is ... (in π \pi )

Full solution

Q. Look at the picture of the bullet below!\newlineThe surface area of the bullet is ... (in π \pi )
  1. Identify Shapes: Identify the shapes that make up the bullet. It looks like a cylinder with a hemisphere on top.
  2. Calculate Cylinder Area: Calculate the surface area of the cylinder part. The formula is 2πrh2 \pi r h. But we don't have the actual measurements, so let's just call the radius 'rr' and the height 'hh'. So it's 2πrh2 \pi r h.
  3. Calculate Hemisphere Area: Calculate the surface area of the hemisphere. The formula for the surface area of a sphere is 4πr24 \pi r^2, but since we only have half of it, it's 2πr22 \pi r^2.
  4. Add Areas for Total: Add the surface area of the cylinder and the hemisphere to get the total surface area of the bullet. So, the total surface area is 2πrh+2πr22 \pi r h + 2 \pi r^2.

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