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Q. rac{618476618476}{623442623442}
  1. Identify GCD: Identify the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and the denominator.\newlineTo simplify the fraction 618476623442\frac{618476}{623442}, we need to find the GCD of 618476618476 and 623442623442. We can use the Euclidean algorithm to find the GCD.
  2. Apply Euclidean algorithm: Apply the Euclidean algorithm to find the GCD.\newlineWe subtract the smaller number from the larger number and continue this process until we get a remainder of 00. The last non-zero remainder is the GCD.\newline618476623442=4966618476 - 623442 = -4966 (We take the absolute value since we're looking for the GCD)\newline623442%618476=4966623442 \% 618476 = 4966\newline618476%4966=2604618476 \% 4966 = 2604\newline4966%2604=23624966 \% 2604 = 2362\newline2604%2362=2422604 \% 2362 = 242\newline2362%242=02362 \% 242 = 0\newlineThe GCD is 242242.
  3. Divide by GCD: Divide both the numerator and the denominator by the GCD. \newline618476242=2556\frac{618476}{242} = 2556\newline623442242=2577\frac{623442}{242} = 2577
  4. Write simplified fraction: Write down the simplified fraction.\newlineThe simplified form of the fraction 618476/623442618476/623442 is 2556/25772556/2577.

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