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115+418\frac{11}{5} +\frac{41}{8}

Full solution

Q. 115+418\frac{11}{5} +\frac{41}{8}
  1. Find Common Denominator: To add two fractions, we need to have a common denominator. The denominators here are 55 and 88. The least common multiple (LCM) of 55 and 88 is 4040.
  2. Convert to Equivalent Fractions: We convert each fraction to an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 4040. For 115\frac{11}{5}, we multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 88 to get (11×85×8)=8840\left(\frac{11\times8}{5\times8}\right) = \frac{88}{40}. For 418\frac{41}{8}, we multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 55 to get (41×58×5)=20540\left(\frac{41\times5}{8\times5}\right) = \frac{205}{40}.
  3. Add the Fractions: Now we can add the two fractions: 8840+20540\frac{88}{40} + \frac{205}{40}.
  4. Simplify the Fraction: Adding the numerators gives us 88+205=29388 + 205 = 293. The denominator remains 4040. So, the sum of the two fractions is 29340\frac{293}{40}.
  5. Simplify the Fraction: Adding the numerators gives us 88+205=29388 + 205 = 293. The denominator remains 4040. So, the sum of the two fractions is 29340\frac{293}{40}.To simplify the fraction, we can divide the numerator by the denominator to get a mixed number. 293293 divided by 4040 is 77 with a remainder of 1313. So, 29340\frac{293}{40} is equal to 713407 \frac{13}{40}.