Finding Area Of Shaded Region Quiz

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#1 of 8: Mild

Find area of shaded region

<p>The diagram below shows a rectangle inside of a rectangle. </p><CompositeShapeInShape data-props='{ "outer": { "type": "rectangle", "shape": { "height": { "value": 170, "label": { "text": "17 in" }, "side": "right", "color": "black", "highlight": true }, "width": { "value": 250, "label": { "text": "25 in" }, "color": "#000", "side": "bottom", "highlight": true }, "color": "#D8D8DF", "border_color": "#000" }, "offset_y": -40, "offset_x": -30 }, "inner": { "type": "rectangle", "shape": { "height": { "value": 90, "label": { "text": "9 in" }, "side": "right", "color": "black", "highlight": true }, "width": { "value": 110, "label": { "text": "11 in" }, "color": "#000", "side": "bottom", "highlight": true }, "color": "#FFFFFF", "border_color": "#000" } } }'></CompositeShapeInShape > <p>What is the area of the shaded region?</p>

#2 of 8: Mild

Find area of shaded region

<p>The diagram below shows a triangle inside of a triangle.</p><CompositeShapeInShape data-props='{ "inner": { "type": "triangle", "shape": { "type": "isosceles", "base": { "value": 72, "label": { "text": "8 in" } }, "height": { "value": 45, "label": { "text": "5 in", "background": "none" }, "color": "black" }, "show_right_angle": true, "color": "#FFFFFF", "border_color": "#080808" }, "offset_y": 0, "offset_x": 0 }, "outer": { "type": "triangle", "shape": { "type": "right", "base": { "value": 198, "label": { "text": "22 in" } }, "height": { "value": 153, "label": { "text": "17 in", "background": "white" }, "color": "black" }, "show_right_angle": true, "color": " #D8D8DF", "border_color": "#080808" } }}'></CompositeShapeInShape ><p>What is the area of the shaded region?</p>

#3 of 8: Medium

Find area of shaded region

<p>The diagram below shows a circle inside of a rectangle. </p><CompositeShapeInShape data-props='{ "inner": { "type": "circle", "shape": { "radius": { "value": 80, "label": { "text": "8 cm", "background": "None", "show": true }, "color": "#000", "angle": 0 }, "show_center": true, "color": "white", "border_color": "#000" } }, "outer": { "type": "square", "shape": { "height": { "value": 270, "label": { "text": "27 cm" }, "side": "right", "color": "black" }, "width": { "value": 320, "label": { "text": "32 cm" }, "color": "#000", "side": "bottom" }, "color": "#D8D8DF", "border_color": "#000" } }}'></CompositeShapeInShape ><p>What is the area of the shaded region?<br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Use `3.14` for 𝛑</highlight> </p>

#4 of 8: Medium

Find area of shaded region

<p>The diagram below shows a rectangle inside of a circle. </p><CompositeShapeInShape data-props='{ "inner": { "type": "rectangle", "shape": { "height": { "value": 60, "label": { "text": "3 mm" }, "side": "left", "color": "black", "highlight": true }, "width": { "value": 100, "label": { "text": "5 mm" }, "color": "black", "side": "top", "highlight": true }, "color": "white", "border_color": "black" }, "offset_y": -75 }, "outer": { "type": "circle", "shape": { "radius": { "value": 180, "label": { "text": "9 mm", "show": true }, "color": "black", "angle": 0 }, "show_center": true, "color": "#D8D8DF", "border_color": "black" } }}'></CompositeShapeInShape ><p>What is the area of the shaded region?<br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Use `3.14` for 𝛑</highlight></p>

#5 of 8: Medium

Find area of shaded region

<p>The diagram below shows a rectangle inside of a triangle.</p><CompositeShapeInShape data-props='{ "inner": { "type": "rectangle", "shape": { "height": { "value": 30, "label": { "text": "3 ft" }, "side": "left", "color": "black", "highlight": false }, "width": { "value": 70, "label": { "text": "7 ft" }, "color": "#00", "side": "bottom", "highlight": true }, "color": "#FFFFFF", "border_color": "#000" }, "offset_y": 15, "offset_x": 10 }, "outer": { "type": "triangle", "shape": { "type": "right_angle", "base": { "value": 220, "label": { "text": "22 ft" } }, "height": { "value": 170, "label": { "text": "17 ft" } }, "show_right_angle": true, "color": "#D8D8DF", "border_color": "#080808" } }}'></CompositeShapeInShape > <p>What is the area of the shaded region?</p>

#6 of 8: Medium

Find area of shaded region

<p>The diagram below shows a triangle inside of a rectangle. </p><CompositeShapeInShape data-props='{ "inner": { "type": "triangle", "shape": { "type": "isosceles", "base": { "value": 120, "label": { "text": "8 ft" } }, "height": { "value": 90, "label": { "text": "6 ft", "background": "" }, "color": "black" }, "show_right_angle": true, "color": "#FFFFFF", "border_color": "#080808" }, "offset_y": 18 }, "outer": { "type": "rectangle", "shape": { "height": { "value": 225, "label": { "text": "15 ft" }, "side": "right", "color": "black", "highlight": true }, "width": { "value": 300, "label": { "text": "20 ft" }, "color": "#000", "side": "bottom", "highlight": true }, "color": "#D8D8DF", "border_color": "#000" } }}'></CompositeShapeInShape ><p>What is the area of the shaded region?</p>

#7 of 8: Spicy

Find area of shaded region

<p>The diagram below shows a triangle inside of a circle. </p><CompositeShapeInShape data-props='{ "inner": { "type": "triangle", "shape": { "type": "right", "base": { "value": 150, "label": { "text": "15 ft" } }, "height": { "value": 120, "label": { "text": "12 ft", "background": "none" }, "color": "black" }, "show_right_angle": true, "color": "#FFFFFF", "border_color": "#080808" }, "offset_x": 0, "offset_y": 0 }, "outer": { "type": "circle", "shape": { "radius": { "value": 130, "label": { "text": "13 ft", "show": true }, "color": "#080808", "angle": 0 }, "show_center": true, "color": "#D8D8DF", "border_color": "#080808" } }}'></CompositeShapeInShape > <p>What is the area of the shaded region?<br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Use `3.14` for 𝛑</highlight> </p>

#8 of 8: Spicy

Find area of shaded region

<p>The diagram below shows a circle inside of a triangle. </p><CompositeShapeInShape data-props='{ "inner": { "type": "circle", "shape": { "radius": { "value": 30, "label": { "text": "2 cm", "background": "none", "show": true }, "color": "#080808", "angle": 0 }, "show_center": true, "color": "white", "border_color": "black" }, "offset_x": 10 }, "outer": { "type": "triangle", "shape": { "type": "right_angle", "base": { "value": 255, "label": { "text": "17 cm" }, "color": "black" }, "height": { "value": 180, "label": { "text": "12 cm" }, "color": "black" }, "show_right_angle": true, "color": "#D8D8DF", "border_color": "black" } }}'></CompositeShapeInShape ><p>What is the area of the shaded region?<br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Use `3.14` for 𝛑</highlight></p>

Irregular or composite shapes are an essential part of geometric or applied mathematics. They are used to solve real-world geometric problems. Finding Area Of Shaded Region Quiz assesses students’ knowledge of various shapes and their area calculation. It also checks whether students can deal with calculating more than one geometric shape at times.


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Carmel, CA
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Summerville, SC
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Miami, FL
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