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Yuki works at an aquarium. To clean a tank, she calculates (7)/(900) of the tank's total volume, and she adds that much cleaning solution to the tank. For a certain tank, this works out to be 2(1)/(3)L of cleaning solution.
What is the total volume of the tank?

◻ liters

Yuki works at an aquarium. To clean a tank, she calculates 7900\frac{7}{900} of the tank's total volume, and she adds that much cleaning solution to the tank. For a certain tank, this works out to be 2132\frac{1}{3}LL of cleaning solution. \newlineWhat is the total volume of the tank?\newline\square liters

Full solution

Q. Yuki works at an aquarium. To clean a tank, she calculates 7900\frac{7}{900} of the tank's total volume, and she adds that much cleaning solution to the tank. For a certain tank, this works out to be 2132\frac{1}{3}LL of cleaning solution. \newlineWhat is the total volume of the tank?\newline\square liters
  1. Convert to Improper Fraction: Yuki uses (7)/(900)(7)/(900) of the tank's volume for the cleaning solution, which equals 2(1)/(3)2(1)/(3)L. Convert 2(1)/(3)2(1)/(3)L to an improper fraction: 2(1)/(3)=(2×3+1)/3=(6+1)/3=7/32(1)/(3) = (2 \times 3 + 1)/3 = (6 + 1)/3 = 7/3L.
  2. Set Up Equation: Now, set up the equation (7)/(900)×total_volume=7/3(7)/(900) \times \text{total\_volume} = 7/3. We need to find the total_volume\text{total\_volume}.
  3. Solve for Total Volume: To solve for total_volumetotal\_volume, divide both sides by (7)/(900)(7)/(900): total_volume=(73)/(7900)total\_volume = (\frac{7}{3}) / (\frac{7}{900}).
  4. Simplify Right Side: Simplify the right side by multiplying by the reciprocal of (7)/(900)(7)/(900): total_volume=(73)×(9007)\text{total\_volume} = (\frac{7}{3}) \times (\frac{900}{7}).
  5. Cancel Out Sevens: The sevens cancel out, so total_volume=13×900\text{total\_volume} = \frac{1}{3} \times 900.
  6. Multiply to Find Total Volume: Multiply 13\frac{1}{3} by 900900 to find the total volume: total_volume=9003\text{total\_volume} = \frac{900}{3}.
  7. Calculate Total Volume: Calculate 900900 divided by 33: total_volume=300\text{total\_volume} = 300.

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