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Write a system of equations to describe the situation below, solve using substitution, and fill in the blanks.\newlineErin has been planting young trees in her garden. The maple tree that is 2828 inches tall is growing 22 inches per month, whereas the oak tree that is 2020 inches tall is growing 33 inches per month. In a few months, the two trees will be the same height. How long will that take? What will that height be?\newlineIn _\_ months, the two trees will both be _\_ inches tall.

Full solution

Q. Write a system of equations to describe the situation below, solve using substitution, and fill in the blanks.\newlineErin has been planting young trees in her garden. The maple tree that is 2828 inches tall is growing 22 inches per month, whereas the oak tree that is 2020 inches tall is growing 33 inches per month. In a few months, the two trees will be the same height. How long will that take? What will that height be?\newlineIn _\_ months, the two trees will both be _\_ inches tall.
  1. Define variables: Define variables for the heights of the trees and the time in months.\newlineLet's use MM to represent the height of the maple tree and OO to represent the height of the oak tree. Let tt be the time in months after which the trees will be the same height.
  2. Write equations: Write the equations based on the given information.\newlineThe maple tree is initially 2828 inches tall and grows 22 inches per month. So, its height after tt months will be M=28+2tM = 28 + 2t.\newlineThe oak tree is initially 2020 inches tall and grows 33 inches per month. So, its height after tt months will be O=20+3tO = 20 + 3t.\newlineWe want to find the time tt when M=OM = O.
  3. Set up system: Set up the system of equations.\newlineWe have two equations now:\newline11) M=28+2tM = 28 + 2t\newline22) O=20+3tO = 20 + 3t\newlineAnd since M=OM = O at the time we are looking for, we can set the right sides of these equations equal to each other:\newline28+2t=20+3t28 + 2t = 20 + 3t
  4. Solve using substitution: Solve the system using substitution.\newlineSince we have M=OM = O, we can substitute the expression for MM from the first equation into the second equation:\newline28+2t=20+3t28 + 2t = 20 + 3t\newlineNow, we solve for tt.
  5. Rearrange to isolate: Rearrange the equation to isolate tt.\newlineSubtract 2t2t from both sides:\newline28+2t2t=20+3t2t28 + 2t - 2t = 20 + 3t - 2t\newline28=20+t28 = 20 + t\newlineNow, subtract 2020 from both sides:\newline2820=t28 - 20 = t\newline8=t8 = t
  6. Find height: Find the height of the trees when they are the same.\newlineWe know t=8t = 8 months. Now we need to substitute tt back into either the first or second equation to find the height. Let's use the first equation:\newlineM=28+2tM = 28 + 2t\newlineM=28+2(8)M = 28 + 2(8)\newlineM=28+16M = 28 + 16\newlineM=44M = 44

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