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Which exponential expression is equivalent to 
sqrtk ?
Choose 1 answer:

Which exponential expression is equivalent to k \sqrt{k} ?\newlineChoose 11 answer:\newline(A) 1k2 \frac{1}{k^{2}} \newline(B) 1k12 \frac{1}{k^{\frac{1}{2}}} \newline(C) k2 k^{2} \newline(D) k12 k^{\frac{1}{2}}

Full solution

Q. Which exponential expression is equivalent to k \sqrt{k} ?\newlineChoose 11 answer:\newline(A) 1k2 \frac{1}{k^{2}} \newline(B) 1k12 \frac{1}{k^{\frac{1}{2}}} \newline(C) k2 k^{2} \newline(D) k12 k^{\frac{1}{2}}
  1. Understand the problem: Understand the problem.\newlineWe need to find the exponential expression equivalent to the square root of kk, which is written as k\sqrt{k}.
  2. Express in exponential form: Express the square root in exponential form.\newlineThe square root of a number can be expressed as that number raised to the power of 12\frac{1}{2}. Therefore, k\sqrt{k} is equivalent to k12k^{\frac{1}{2}}.
  3. Match with given options: Match the expression with the given options.\newlineWe compare k1/2k^{1/2} with the given options to find the equivalent expression.\newline(A) (1)/(k2)(1)/(k^{2}) is not equivalent because it represents the reciprocal of kk squared.\newline(B) (1)/(k(1)/(2))(1)/(k^{(1)/(2)}) is not equivalent because it represents the reciprocal of the square root of kk.\newline(C) k2k^{2} is not equivalent because it represents kk squared.\newline(D) k(1)/(2)k^{(1)/(2)} is equivalent because it represents the square root of kk.
  4. Choose correct answer: Choose the correct answer.\newlineThe correct answer is (D) k(12)k^{(\frac{1}{2})}, which is equivalent to k\sqrt{k}.

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