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Savannah is working two summer jobs, making 
$10 per hour washing cars and making $18 per hour tutoring. In a given week, she can work at most 12 total hours and must earn a minimum of 
$160. If Savannah worked 7 hours tutoring, determine all possible values for the number of whole hours washing cars that she must work to meet her requirements.

Savannah is working two summer jobs, making $10 \$ 10 per hour washing cars and making $18\$18 per hour tutoring. In a given week, she can work at most 1212 total hours and must earn a minimum of $160 \$ 160 . If Savannah worked 77 hours tutoring, determine all possible values for the number of whole hours washing cars that she must work to meet her requirements.\newlineAnswer: \square

Full solution

Q. Savannah is working two summer jobs, making $10 \$ 10 per hour washing cars and making $18\$18 per hour tutoring. In a given week, she can work at most 1212 total hours and must earn a minimum of $160 \$ 160 . If Savannah worked 77 hours tutoring, determine all possible values for the number of whole hours washing cars that she must work to meet her requirements.\newlineAnswer: \square
  1. Calculate earnings from tutoring: Calculate the earnings from tutoring.\newlineSavannah earns $18\$18 per hour tutoring. If she worked 77 hours tutoring, her earnings from tutoring would be:\newlineEarnings from tutoring = $18/hour×7hours\$18/\text{hour} \times 7 \text{hours}\newlineEarnings from tutoring = $126\$126
  2. Calculate minimum remaining amount: Calculate the minimum remaining amount she needs to earn from washing cars.\newlineSavannah needs to earn a minimum of $160\$160 in total. She has already earned $126\$126 from tutoring, so she needs to earn at least:\newlineMinimum remaining earnings = $160$126\$160 - \$126\newlineMinimum remaining earnings = $34\$34
  3. Calculate minimum hours washing cars: Calculate the minimum number of hours she needs to work washing cars to earn the remaining amount.\newlineSavannah earns $10\$10 per hour washing cars. To find out the minimum number of hours she needs to work to earn $34\$34, we divide the remaining amount by her hourly wage from washing cars:\newlineMinimum hours washing cars = $34$10/hour\frac{\$34}{\$10/\text{hour}}\newlineMinimum hours washing cars = 3.43.4 hours\newlineSince she cannot work a fraction of an hour, she needs to work at least 44 whole hours washing cars.
  4. Check total hours worked: Check the total number of hours worked to ensure it does not exceed the maximum allowed hours.\newlineSavannah can work at most 1212 hours in total. She has already worked 77 hours tutoring. If she works 44 hours washing cars, the total number of hours worked would be:\newlineTotal hours worked = 77 hours tutoring + 44 hours washing cars\newlineTotal hours worked = 1111 hours\newlineSince 1111 hours is less than or equal to the maximum of 1212 hours, working 44 hours washing cars is a possible solution.
  5. Determine possible values: Determine if there are any other possible values for the number of whole hours washing cars.\newlineSince Savannah has already worked 77 hours tutoring and can work a maximum of 1212 hours, she can work up to 55 hours washing cars (1212 hours total - 77 hours tutoring). However, she only needs to work 44 hours to meet her minimum earnings requirement. Therefore, the possible values for the number of whole hours washing cars are 44 and 55 hours.

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