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Find the dimensions of a rectangular lawn whose perimeter is 100100 feet and whose area is 600600 square feet

Full solution

Q. Find the dimensions of a rectangular lawn whose perimeter is 100100 feet and whose area is 600600 square feet
  1. Define Perimeter Formula: Let ll be the length and ww be the width of the rectangular lawn.\newlineThe perimeter of a rectangle is given by the formula P=2l+2wP = 2l + 2w.
  2. Perimeter Equation: Given the perimeter of the rectangular lawn is 100100 feet, we can write the equation: 100=2l+2w100 = 2l + 2w
  3. Simplify Perimeter: Simplify the perimeter equation by dividing all terms by 22:50=l+w50 = l + w
  4. Define Area Formula: The area of a rectangle is given by the formula A=lwA = lw.\newlineGiven the area of the rectangular lawn is 600600 square feet, we can write the equation:\newline600=lw600 = lw
  5. Area Equation: We now have a system of two equations with two variables:\newline50=l+w50 = l + w (Equation 11)\newline600=lw600 = lw (Equation 22)\newlineWe can solve this system by expressing one variable in terms of the other using Equation 11 and then substituting into Equation 22.
  6. Solve System of Equations: From Equation 11, express ww in terms of ll:w=50lw = 50 - l
  7. Express ww in terms of ll: Substitute w=50lw = 50 - l into Equation 22:\newline600=l(50l)600 = l(50 - l)
  8. Substitute into Equation 22: Expand the equation and rearrange it into a quadratic equation:\newline600=50ll2600 = 50l - l^2\newline0=l250l+6000 = l^2 - 50l + 600
  9. Expand and Rearrange: Factor the quadratic equation:\newline0=(l20)(l30)0 = (l - 20)(l - 30)
  10. Factor Quadratic Equation: Solve for ll by setting each factor equal to zero: l20=0l - 20 = 0 or l30=0l - 30 = 0 l=20l = 20 or l=30l = 30
  11. Solve for ll: If l=20l = 20, then w=50l=5020=30w = 50 - l = 50 - 20 = 30. If l=30l = 30, then w=50l=5030=20w = 50 - l = 50 - 30 = 20. So, the length and width of the lawn can be either (20,30)(20, 30) or (30,20)(30, 20) feet.

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