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Find the argument of the complex number 
sqrt2-sqrt2i in the interval 
0 <= theta < 2pi. Express your answer in terms of 

Find the argument of the complex number 22i \sqrt{2}-\sqrt{2} i in the interval 0θ<2π 0 \leq \theta<2 \pi . Express your answer in terms of π \pi .\newlineAnswer:

Full solution

Q. Find the argument of the complex number 22i \sqrt{2}-\sqrt{2} i in the interval 0θ<2π 0 \leq \theta<2 \pi . Express your answer in terms of π \pi .\newlineAnswer:
  1. Calculate Argument using atan22: To find the argument of a complex number in the form a+bia + bi, where aa is the real part and bb is the imaginary part, we can use the formula θ=atan2(b,a)\theta = \text{atan2}(b, a), where atan2\text{atan2} is the two-argument arctangent function that takes into account the signs of both arguments to determine the correct quadrant of the angle.\newlineFor the complex number 22i\sqrt{2} - \sqrt{2}i, we have a=2a = \sqrt{2} and b=2b = -\sqrt{2}.
  2. Identify Quadrant: We calculate the argument using the atan22 function: θ=atan2(2,2)\theta = \text{atan2}(-\sqrt{2}, \sqrt{2}). Since both the real and imaginary parts are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign, the argument is in the fourth quadrant.
  3. Calculate Alpha: In the fourth quadrant, the argument of the complex number is 2πα2\pi - \alpha, where α\alpha is the angle formed with the positive x-axis. Since the real and imaginary parts are equal in magnitude, α\alpha is 4545 degrees or π/4\pi/4 radians.
  4. Final Argument Calculation: Therefore, the argument θ\theta is 2ππ42\pi - \frac{\pi}{4}, which simplifies to 7π4\frac{7\pi}{4}.

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