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A group consisting of 8 aggressive zombies triples in size every hour. Which equation matches the number of zombies after 5 hours?





A group consisting of 88 aggressive zombies triples in size every hour. Which equation matches the number of zombies after 55 hours?\newlineZ=3(1+8)5 Z=3(1+8)^{5} \newlineZ=3(8)5 Z=3(8)^{5} \newlineZ=8(3)5 Z=8(3)^{5} \newlineZ=8(3) Z=8(3)

Full solution

Q. A group consisting of 88 aggressive zombies triples in size every hour. Which equation matches the number of zombies after 55 hours?\newlineZ=3(1+8)5 Z=3(1+8)^{5} \newlineZ=3(8)5 Z=3(8)^{5} \newlineZ=8(3)5 Z=8(3)^{5} \newlineZ=8(3) Z=8(3)
  1. Define Variables: Let's define the variables for the equation:\newline- Let ZZ be the number of zombies after a certain number of hours.\newline- The initial number of zombies is 88.\newline- The growth rate is a tripling every hour, which means the growth factor is 33.
  2. Exponential Growth Equation: We need to find the equation that models the exponential growth of the zombie population. The general form of an exponential growth equation is Z=a(b)tZ = a(b)^t, where:\newline- aa is the initial amount,\newline- bb is the growth factor,\newline- tt is the time in hours.
  3. Substitute Values: Since the initial number of zombies is 88 and the growth factor is 33 (because the group triples in size every hour), we can substitute these values into the equation to get Z=8(3)tZ = 8(3)^t.
  4. Calculate After 55 Hours: We want to find the number of zombies after 55 hours, so we will substitute tt with 55 in the equation Z=8(3)tZ = 8(3)^t to get Z=8(3)5Z = 8(3)^5.
  5. Calculate Value: Now we calculate the value of ZZ after 55 hours using the equation Z=8(3)5Z = 8(3)^5. This means we need to raise 33 to the power of 55 and then multiply the result by 88.35=3×3×3×3×3=2433^5 = 3 \times 3 \times 3 \times 3 \times 3 = 243Z=8×243Z = 8 \times 243
  6. Total Number of Zombies: Multiplying 88 by 243243 gives us the total number of zombies after 55 hours.\newlineZ=8×243=1944Z = 8 \times 243 = 1944

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