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8÷7_(4)) <= 4

33) 8÷74)4 8 \div 7_{4)} \leq 4

Full solution

Q. 33) 8÷74)4 8 \div 7_{4)} \leq 4
  1. Calculate Division Result: Calculate the value of 88 divided by 77.\newline8÷7=1.1428578 \div 7 = 1.142857
  2. Interpret Expression: Interpret the expression 7(4)7_{(4)}. Assuming it's a typo and should be 7(4)7(4), calculate 7×47 \times 4.7×4=287 \times 4 = 28
  3. Compare Results: Compare the results of 1.1428571.142857 and 2828 to see if 1.1428571.142857 is less than or equal to 44.\newline1.14285741.142857 \leq 4 is true, but comparing it to 2828 is not relevant to the initial question.

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Posted 3 months ago