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42x=132 4^{2 x}=\frac{1}{32}

Full solution

Q. 42x=132 4^{2 x}=\frac{1}{32}
  1. Identify base and exponent: Identify the base and the exponent in the equation 42x=1324^{2x} = \frac{1}{32}.
  2. Express as power of 22: Express 132\frac{1}{32} as a power of 22, since 3232 is 252^5, so 132\frac{1}{32} is 252^{-5}.
  3. Rewrite equation with same bases: Rewrite the equation with the bases as the same number: 42x=254^{2x} = 2^{-5}.
  4. Apply power of a power rule: Since 44 is 222^2, rewrite the left side of the equation as (22)2x(2^2)^{2x}.
  5. Solve for xx: Apply the power of a power rule: (ab)c=a(bc)(a^b)^c = a^{(b*c)}. So, (22)2x=24x(2^2)^{2x} = 2^{4x}.
  6. Solve for x: Apply the power of a power rule: (ab)c=a(bc)(a^b)^c = a^{(b*c)}. So, (22)2x=24x(2^2)^{2x} = 2^{4x}.Now we have 24x=252^{4x} = 2^{-5}. The bases are the same, so the exponents must be equal: 4x=54x = -5.
  7. Solve for x: Apply the power of a power rule: (ab)c=a(bc)(a^b)^c = a^{(b*c)}. So, (22)(2x)=2(4x)(2^2)^{(2x)} = 2^{(4x)}.Now we have 2(4x)=252^{(4x)} = 2^{-5}. The bases are the same, so the exponents must be equal: 4x=54x = -5.Divide both sides by 44 to solve for x: x=54x = -\frac{5}{4}.

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