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Q. 61015\frac{6}{10}-\frac{1}{5}=
  1. Find Common Denominator: First, we need to find a common denominator for the fractions 610\frac{6}{10} and 15\frac{1}{5}. The common denominator for both fractions is 1010.
  2. Convert Fractions: Now, we convert the fraction 15\frac{1}{5} to have the common denominator of 1010. To do this, we multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 22, which gives us 210\frac{2}{10}.
  3. Subtract Fractions: We can now subtract the two fractions: (610)(210)(\frac{6}{10}) - (\frac{2}{10}). Since the denominators are the same, we subtract the numerators and keep the denominator the same.
  4. Perform Subtraction: Performing the subtraction, we get (62)/10(6 - 2)/10, which equals 4/104/10.
  5. Simplify Fraction: The fraction 410\frac{4}{10} can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 22. This gives us 25\frac{2}{5}.

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