Geometry - Coordinate Plane

  • Coordinate Plane
  • Coordinates
  • Parts of the Coordinate Plane
  • How to Plot Points on the Coordinate Plane
  • How to Locate Points on the Coordinate Plane
  • Fun Facts
  • Practice Problems
  • Frequently Asked Questions


Coordinate Plane 

It is a two-dimensional plane formed by intersecting (crossing) two number lines. By intersecting these two lines we get a big plus sign which is called a coordinate plane.

Out of these two number lines, one should be horizontal and is known as the `x`-axis. The other should be vertical and is known as the `y`-axis.

These intersecting lines (`x`-axis and `y`-axis) are perpendicular and they intersect at a point called the origin (labeled as zero).

Let’s look at the below image to understand it more:


Coordinates are the points on the plane that indicate a particular position on the coordinate plane.

Typically, coordinates are denoted as `(x, y)`. Here, the `x`-coordinate is the perpendicular distance of the point from the y-axis along the `x`-axis. and, the `y`-coordinate is the perpendicular distance of the point from the `x`-axis along the `y`-axis.

For example: Let’s take `(2, 3)` as a point on the coordinate plane. 

In this case, `2` corresponds to the value on the `x`-axis and `3` corresponds to the value on the `y`-axis.


Parts of the Coordinate Plane

1) Number lines: 

  • These are the lines that represent numbers or integers.
  • When the two number lines intersect each other at `(0,0)`, they create a coordinate plane.
  • We use them to locate/plot a specific position on the coordinate plane.

 2) Origin:

  • It is the intersecting point of the two number lines (horizontal and vertical).
  • It is denoted by `O`.
  • Here is the graphical representation of the origin on the coordinate plane:

3) Quadrants:

When two number lines intersect each other at the origin, they divide the coordinate plane into four equal parts; those parts are called quadrants.  

Below is the coordinate representation of the four quadrants:     

Let’s discuss them (four parts of quadrants) one by one.

Quadrant-Ⅰ: This quadrant contains only the positive values with respect to `x`-axis and `y`-axis respectively. 

For example: `(2, 3)`

`(x, y)` or `(x>0, y>0)`

Quadrant-Ⅱ: It is the top left part of the quadratic plane. In this quadrant, `x` represents the negative value and `y` represents the positive value. 

For example: `(-2, 3)`

`(-x, y)` or `(x<0, y>0)`

Quadrant-Ⅲ: It is the bottom left quadrant of the quadratic plane. In this quadrant `x`-axis and `y`-axis both contain negative values. 

For example: `(-2, -3)`

 `(-x, -y)` or `(x<0, y<0)`

Quadrant-Ⅳ: It is the bottom right quadrant of the quadratic plane. In this quadrant, the `x`-axis contains positive values and the `y`-axis contains negative values. 

For example: `(2, -3)`

`(x, -y)` or `(x>0, y<0)`


How to Plot Points on the Coordinate Plane

To plot a point on the coordinate plane, we need to follow some steps-

  • Step `1`: Start from the origin.
  • Step `2`: To find the `x`-coordinate, move left/right from the origin.
  • Step `3`: To find the `y`-coordinate move up/down from the `x`-point.

Example: Let’s plot `(``3``, ``4``)` on the coordinate plane.

  • Step `1`: Look for the origin.
  • Step `2`: Move `3` steps to the right from the origin. 
  • Step `3`: Now move, `4` steps upwards.

How to Locate Points on the Coordinate Plane

To locate any point on the coordinate plane follow these steps:

  • Step `1`: First, observe the dot (point `P`) on the given graph.
  • Step `2`: Check the quadrant of the dot.
  • Step `3`: Observe, how many units this dot is far from the `x` and `y`-axis respectively.

Example: Let’s locate point `P` on the given graph.

We can observe a few points such as:

  • `P` is in the first quadrant (Quadrant-Ⅰ).
  • `P` is `2` units away from the origin in the positive direction(`x`-axis).
  • `P` is `3` units away from the origin in the positive direction (`y`-axis).

Thus, based on the above points, we can conclude that the position of point `P` is `(2, 3)`.

Fun Facts

  • On the coordinate points, the first number will always tell the value of the x-axis point and the second number will always tell the value of the `y`-axis point.
  • Just by looking at the `(x, y)` coordinate you can tell the quadrant name.
  • Point `x` will never move up/down on the coordinate; it only moves right/left.
  • The value of `y` will never move left/right. It only moves upward/downwards on the coordinate plane.


Practice Problems

Q`1`: Given the coordinates `(−3, 5)`, in which quadrant does the point lie?

  1. Quadrant I
  2. Quadrant II
  3. Quadrant III
  4. Quadrant IV

Answer: b


Q`2`: In which quadrant does the point `(7, -2)` lie?

  1. Quadrant I
  2. Quadrant II
  3. Quadrant III
  4. Quadrant IV

Answer: d


Q`3`: Among the following points, which one lies in the third quadrant?

  1. (4, 2)
  2. (-3, 5)
  3. (-2, -7)
  4. (1, -3)

Answer: c


Q`4`: In which quadrant do both coordinates have positive values?

  1. Quadrant I
  2. Quadrant II
  3. Quadrant III
  4. Quadrant IV

Answer: a


Q`5`. What are the coordinates of the point `A` on the given graph? 

  1. (2,-4)
  2. (2,4)
  3. (-4,2)
  4. (4,2)

Answer: c


Frequently Asked Questions

Q`1`: What is the coordinate plane?

Answer: The coordinate plane is a two-dimensional system where points are located using ordered pairs of numbers `(x, y)`. It consists of two perpendicular number lines, the `x`-axis and `y`-axis, intersecting at the origin `(0, 0)`.


Q`2`: How do you determine in which quadrant a point lies?

Answer: A point's quadrant is determined by the signs of its `x` and `y` coordinates. 

  • If both are positive, the point is in Quadrant I.
  • If `x` is negative and `y` is positive, it's in Quadrant II.
  • If both are negative, it's in Quadrant III.
  • If `x` is positive and `y` is negative, it's in Quadrant IV.


Q`3`: What is the significance of the origin in the coordinate plane?

Answer: The origin `(0, 0)` is the point where the `x`-axis and `y`-axis intersect. It serves as the reference point for all coordinates on the plane, and distances and directions are measured relative to the origin.