10 Effective Math Learning Style and Strategies

math learning style strategies featured

Every student has a unique learning style, and at some point, all students require strategies for effective studies, especially in subjects that are flooded with tricky concepts. Students can learn these concepts with effective math learning style strategies. 

Math is a part of the education curriculum that requires the study of graphs, figures, shapes, and spaces. Using math, we can solve several complex real-life problems. Math has its writing, reading, and learning style, requiring sufficient planning or strategy to make it stand out from the various other subjects. Different math techniques involve studying all the aspects with different study methods and switching up the approach.

10 Math Learning Style Strategies:

Math learning can become effective and fruitful if they follow some essential learning styles and strategies. 

1. Math Requires Active Learning

math learning style strategies active learning

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Math is not a subject of memorization; it instead requires students’ active participation in classwork, homework, and assignments. On the one hand, not even a single book is sufficient to practice math.

Some students think that they can learn math just by reciting formulas. Even though it is not easy, it is not that tough. With constant practice, one can acquire a nice pace.

Math learning style strategies initiate critical thinking and enable learners to test their aptitude. Not everyone can be proficient in math, but everyone can be adept at it if they continue to be in a routine.   

2. Math Is Cumulative

math learning style strategies order

A timetable is a crucial term when knowing about math learning style strategies. Every concept in math, especially, has a chronological order. Skipping or jumping to topics without any relevant charge will be useless.

Instead, it will create a mixing up of concepts creating confusion in students’ minds, and learning in sequential order will gradually build up strong basics, increasing the ability to learn advanced mathematics.

It is one of the best study tips for different learning styles. In math, advancement depends on the basics, and the topics are interrelated.

If one topic is missed, the chances of losing out on the following topic get very high. The real example is linear equations and quadratic equations.

If you have not studied linear equations, there are hardly any chances for you to catch up on quadratic equations. The mindset of most of the students is to learn more and more topics within short periods; they search for shortcuts.

Instead, they should spend more time emphasizing one case and having it on tips, even if it requires going back to look for smaller class topics.

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3. Focus On Principles

One of the best math learning style strategies include primarily focusing on principles. Now you might wonder what principles are. Principles are the essential features or rules for any mathematical topic. Discuss math, BODMAS, and other critical operators.

Learning math formulas is not a big task, as most of them are obtained via derivations. Learning one formula can help derive various other procedures through that. However, that is not enough to solve the questions but leads you towards solving them.

4. Learn The Vocabulary 

Math has its language and vocabulary, which may have different meanings in different subjects. Like, a product in math refers to the multiplication of two numbers, while in general English language, it refers to a good or a commodity that a customer buys and the seller or a brand sell.

Learning and understanding math vocabulary is one of the best math learning style strategies. Students must learn vocabulary, symbols, abbreviations, figures, and shapes.

For example, the calculation is also called operation, multiplication as product, subtraction as taking off, brackets are also of various types, are used to depict multiple styles, and are identified by different names. 

5. Math Grows In Complexity

math learning style strategies thinking

Math is an ever-evolving subject that evolves with an advanced version of itself. Its complexity differs for each student. Students with robust basics and high intellect can easily cope with changes faster than students with lower intelligence and weak basics. Where one student would require a few hours to understand new levels, others might need a whole day for the same.

6. Always Have A Notebook

Always write down short notes of whatever you study math. Whether you are learning from an online learning site or a class professor, it is a good habit to write down the formulas, fundamental concepts, and critical points. Try to solve a question that can be used as a future reference. This study style is quite effective. 

Generally, some teachers provide the notes themselves; those teachers are a boon to every child. But some students tend to overlook their efforts. They either do not write down the important points or if they write, they never open them after that class.

It will never help you succeed in math or any other subject. Thus, if you want an excellent grasp of concepts, you must take notes for effective and efficient learning.

If you are uncomfortable with someone else’s notes, you can write them on your own, like a derivation, principle, or complex and essential question. All of them can never be memorized unless you practice them regularly. Taking notes is, therefore, one of the most effective math learning style study strategies. 

7. Conceptual Study

Another essential learning style strategy has a conceptual mind while learning. Math generally has a fixed pattern of solving various problems. Students may tend to understand that pattern rather than the concept of the question.

The idea of “why” and “how” are very important for a student. The reason behind the particular solution to a math problem might be easily understood. Therefore, the students need to stand up for their doubts and get them cleared because simply knowing the pattern to solve the questions will not be a strategic move.

Math is beyond this. Math questions involve various tricks to get solved, which the students can discover if they know the logic behind the question and are capable enough to make that happen.

8. Make Problems Enjoyable 

Math is a fun subject if one tries to do it in such a way. Some students think that math requires complete focus like one can not afford to get distracted while solving it, which is valid to some extent.

It is because if the students solve the questions, they will gain fluency so that they can gain confidence. But if one gets stuck in a problem, nothing can be more discouraging.

But if the same student tries solving it with a pleasing visual or some energetic song of his choice with a fresh mind, he can solve the questions quickly, fluently, and more effectively.

Besides, the formulas can be learned in a fun way. If students try connecting them with real life or using abbreviations, they can be fun learning. This way of learning math formulas is among the best learning styles and strategies.

Select any problem and use any system which makes it engaging, and the problem can be easily remembered.

For example, you learn songs of 400 words faster and easier than a less than ten words formula. The song has a rhythm that directly resonates with your mind. If you try reciting the formula in a rhythm, you can quickly learn the formula. 

9. Try Implementing Math In Real Life

Math is meant to be used in real life, but few students understand it and implement it daily. Several games like cricket, football, and badminton require math trigonometry and various other advanced concepts.

Try calculating discounts and GST on multiple items if you go out shopping. It will enhance your calculation powers and speed, which are integral to math. But we never think of it.

If students apply mathematical concepts in daily life, they would be easier to understand and can even be verbalized. This is one of the effective learning style study strategies.

10. Cooperative Yet Competitive Learning

A significant impact on students’ minds is their friends. Students are greatly affected by their friends. If one friend is educated, the other becomes the same whether in cooperation or due to competition, relatively healthy competition.

If one solves it at somewhat less speed than the other, then the one with a higher rate wins the game intellectually because his interest keeps building up.

If the friends are on the same page, they can solve the questions with almost the same speed; then, they can help each other maintain the same pace so that no one loses out.

It will create a cooperative environment where the other will be present to assist if one fails at any time. If both of them fail together, they can be each other’s motivation to be at the top.

But if one of the two friends is at the top and the other one lacks behind, it would motivate the latter friend to raise his bar to match his friend’s level.

Another strategy in the list of effective math learning styles and strategies is to keep a healthy and close competition with your friends. It will enhance your problem-solving ability and speed because, during assignments, you will try performing by yourself rather than the teacher to stand out in class. 

Also Read: How To Use Literacy Skills To Solve Math Word Problems


All the above styles and strategies are essential for every student who wants to learn math. Math learning style strategies involve practicing in a notebook rather than orally solving, emphasizing more on basics, and simply jumping on topics without any sequence to complete the academic syllabus. 

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