40 Fun Math Questions with Answers

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Learning math can be super fun if students are shown it in the right way. Students run away from hard math problems but don’t know that solving those questions can be fun and exciting. Solving math riddles and fun Math Questions is an interesting game that helps polish our aptitude and boosts our concentration and brainpower.

With time, the approaches to solving math and perception of the subject have changed a lot. These new perceptions of math have made the subject and its concepts more appealing. One only needs to know and understand that math is not just a subject or task; it is a mindful and fun-filled activity for the brain.

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Honestly, hard math questions or problems are all illusions; it is all about knowing and understanding the math sufficiently, its concepts, easiness, and relatability. If teachers have the right attitude and patience, solving and learning math can be most engaging, enjoyable, and delightful for the students. Here are some tricky and engaging yet funny math questions with answers for a fantastic brainstorming session.

Fun Math Questions For Students 

  1. How can you make number six with these three matchsticks without cutting them?

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Answer:  Just move the first and the second matchstick in the shape of a V; it will form a six in roman number. 

  1. Get five squares in the following gird. But you can only remove or move four matchsticks.

Answer: Remove the edge matchsticks from the middle row and column as shown in the picture. 

  1. What will be the last number in the following series of numbers?

32, 45, 60, 77, ?

Answer:  8×4 =32, 9×5 = 45, 10×6 = 60, 11×7 = 77, 12×8 = 96.

Answer2: 32+13 = 45. 45+15 = 60, 60+17 = 77, 77+19 = 96.

So, the following number will be 96. 

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  1. Solve this equation.

Answer:  One Triangle = 10 as per the first equation

             One Circle = 2 on solving the second equation

             One Star = 1 on solving the equation third

So, the answer is 1.

  1. Find the correct answer to the equation.

Answer: 3 Apples = 30; So, 1 Apple = 10

As per the second equation, one banana = 1

As per the third equation, coconut half = 1

So, the half coconut + 1 Apple + 3 Banana = 12

  1. Fill the place for the question mark.

Answer: (8×4) – (6×2) = 20

              (5×6) – (3×4) = 18

              (9×4) – (5×3) = 21

  1. What goes into the empty box?

Answer: Seeing the rows

1+2= 3; 3+2= 5.

2+2= 4; 4+2=6.

Another way: See the columns

1 —> 2; 3 —> 4; 5 —>6

  1. Correct this equation but remember you can only move one stick.

Answer:  Move the top right matchstick from the 8 and place it on  — sign to make it + sign. The equation will be 9+6 = 15. 

  1. Which number will be at the place of the question mark?

Answer: 2 Bananas = 30; so, 1 banana will be = 15

2 cherries + 2 cherries = 20; so, 1 cherry will be = 5

2 apples = 8; so, 1 apple will be = 4

Therefore; 1 banana + 1 cherry + 1 apple = 15 + 5 + 4 = 24

  1. Find the number for the blank space.

Answer: 8+6 =14; 14+8 = 22; 22+10 = 32; 32+12 = 42.

So, 42 will be the answer. 

  1. Count the triangles.

Answer: 13

  1. Can you solve this number puzzle?

Answer: (7*4) + (4*5) = 28+20 = 48;

(9*3) + (3*6) = 27+18 = 45;

(5*?) + (?*8) = 13*? = 6

  1. What is the missing number in the following grid?

Answer: (3 + 2) x 2 = 10

(1 + 9) x 2 = 20

(0 + 8) x 2 = 16

(7 + 5) x 2 = 24

So, the number is 6. 

  1. Which numbers in pins should I stroke to get an exact 100 score?

Answer: Strike number 48, 39, 13 as 48 because 48+39+13 = 100.

  1. Find the appropriate number for the blank space in the grid.

Answer:  On analyzing the grid, one can find that the fourth row contains the average of numbers in the first three rows.

So, (3+5+1) / 3 = 3 is the answer. 

  1. Again, find the missing number?

Answer: Look carefully; these numbers are organized in groups of two digits,s such as 75, 34, and 68 in the first row and 83, 42, and 7. In the second row.

Now, the same sequence is followed with every digit. The first number from the digit is increased by one, and the second number is decreased by two.  6+1 = 7 and 8-2 = 6 in the last digit.

Therefore, the missing number is 6. 

  1. What is the missing number in the given pie?

Answer:  Just divide the pie in quarters and see the answer logic.

5+6 = 11

8+3 = 11

2+9 = 11

7+? = 11 →? = 

18. Add only one matchstick to make the equation right.

Answer:  Add the one matchstick to the plus sign between any 5 to make it 4.And 545+5 = 550.

  1. Find the next number for the below series with the help of the given dies. 19, 11, 11, 9, ?

Answer:   7+3+2 = 12

  1. How many other triangles does this triangle comprise?

Answer: 23, count them carefully and patiently.

  1. Find the answer to this puzzle picture?

Answer: The answer is 18.

Reason: 5*8 = 40; 8*3 = 24; and 5*6 = 30. So, 6*3 = 18.

  1.  Which is heavier, one pound feathers or one pound iron piece?

Answer: Both are equally heavier.

  1. There are ten fishes in a tank; two of them drown, four swim away, and three fishes die. What is the number of fish present in the tank?

Answer:  All ten fishes because no one has removed any fish from the tank.

  1. Find the answer if 2=6, 3=12, 4=20, 5=30, 6=42, 9=?

Answer:  2 = 2×3 = 6

3 = 3×4 = 12

4 = 4×5 = 20

5 = 5×6 = 30

6 = 6×7 = 42

7 = 7×8 = 56

8 = 8×9 = 72

9 = 9×10 = 90

So, 9 = 90.

  1. Guess the correct answer if 1+4 = 5; 2+5 = 12; 3+6 = 21; 8+11 = ?

Answer:  1+4 = 4×1+1 = 5

2+5 = 5×2+2 = 12

3+6 = 6×3+3 = 21

8+11 = 11×8+8 = 96

  1. How is this possible with numbers?

6+4 = 210

9+2 = 711

7+5 = 212

5+2 = 37

8+6 = 214

9+8 = 117

10+6 = 416

19+3 = 1622

Answer:  These equations are written as the deviation of the numbers and then the addition of the numbers.

For example: 6+4 = (6-4)(6+4) = 210.

  1. Solve this equation to find X.

12/3 (5-3+2) + 2004 = X

Answer:  X = 2004

  1. Solve this number quiz.

2+3 = 10

8+4 = 96

7+2 = 63

6+5 = 66

9+5 = ??

Answer:  As per the sample equations, 2+3 = 2x(2+3) = 10; 7x(7+2) = 63; and so on.

So, 9+5 = 9(9+5) = 126. 

  1. Solve this number mystery.

If 3, 2, 4 = 10

4, 3, 5 = 17

5, 4, 6 = 36

6, 5, 7 = 37

7, 6, 8 =?

Answer:   The hidden equation in these numbers is like 3X2+4 = 10 for the first one.

Similarly, 7X6+8 = 50

  1.  Elon brought a container holding six chocolate bars. If he needs to divide the chocolate bars with his six friends so that all of them get one bar, the container still has a chocolate bar left. How did he do this?

Answer:  It is possible because he had given one chocolate bar to five friends and one of his friends got a chocolate bar in the container. In this way, all his friends got chocolates, and one is still in the container.

  1. When I was four years old, my sister was half my age. Now, I am 18. How old is my sister now?

Answer: My sister’s age when I was 4 = half my age = 4/2 =2 years.

So, my sister is two years younger than me.

When I am 18, he will be 16 years old.

  1. Harry had six siblings. All of them have two years of age difference. The youngest is Jessy, his seven years old sister, while Harry is the most senior. Calculate Harry’s age.

Answer:  The youngest sibling, Jessy, is seven years old. Harry has six siblings, which means they are a total of 7 siblings, and Harry is the eldest among them. All of them have two years of age difference, which means that adding six times two to seven can give us an answer. 7 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 19; so, Harry is 19. 

  1. Place the correct symbol from *, +, -, /, in any order to balance the equation.

2 _ 1 _ 6 _ 6 = 48

Answer: 2 * 1 + 6 * 6 = 48

  1. Typically, the number is odd. But if you remove one letter from it, it will change to even. Guess the number.

Answer:  The number is 7(seven). When its letter ‘s’ is removed, it becomes ‘even,’ but actually, 7 is an odd number.

  1. Angel visited a fair near her home. She traversed on her new bicycle presented by her father for winning the art contest. After reaching the fair, Angel noticed that 14 bicycles and tricycles were parked. The total number of wheels in the parking area is 38. Can you find the number of tricycles that were parked there?

Answer: Total bicycles and tricycles = 14

Total number of wheels = 38

All the cycles have minimum wheels, 14 X 2 = 28; 

38 – 28 = 10

There are ten extra wheels other than bicycles, meaning ten tricycles.

  1. What three numbers give the same addition and multiplication operations result?

Answer: The three numbers are 1, 2, and 3; because, 1+2+3 = 6.  And, 1*2*3 = 6.

  1. What will the following two numbers be in this numeric series?

22, 21, 23, 22, 24, 23, ?, ?

Answer:  The following two numbers would be 25 and 24; the pattern of the series is the second number is one less than the first number, and the third number is two more than the second.

Another logic can be a consecutive number pattern formed by alternate numbers.

  1. A grandfather, two fathers, and two sons went to a theater together. How many tickets do they need to buy, assuming one for each?

Answer:  They will need only three tickets because this is the trio of three generations: a grandfather, his son, and his grandchild (son’s son).

  1. John adds six to eight and gets the answer two; his teacher also accepts it. Why?

Answer:  Because the question was on time. She asked to add six hours to 8 AM. So, he got the correct answer at 2 PM.

  1. Get the total of 1000 by adding only eight 8’s.

Answer:  888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1000

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These were some funny yet challenging math problems for students to brainstorm and recall the concepts, formulas, and procedures teachers have taught them in classes. Along with the learning benefits, these funny math questions can drive to the positive side of learning math, and they realize that math is neither complex nor a worthless subject.

Nevertheless, teachers should also understand that memorizing the procedures is not what students require. Therefore they should instead focus on creating an understanding of math and promote logical thinking in students.

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